16 (October 1967) (11 articles)CoverTable of contentsMagazine: 16Editor: Gloria StaversPublished: October 1967Volume: 9Issue: 5Publisher: 16 Magazine, Inc.Show Sort & Filter OptionsTitleAuthorPageFilter TitleFilter AuthorFilter PageI Make The Monkees ClothesGene Ashman6–7You Can Win The Monkees’ Very Own Clothes8Dreamsville10–11With The Monkees at Hollywood BowlLynne Randell20Growing Up with Peter TorkCatherine McGuire Straus32–33Geegee’s Gossip38Monkees & YouDavid Pearl42, 44–45, 60–61The Monkee-MailboxThe Monkees48Monkees Pick for Stardom—Lewis & Clarke Expedition50–51Come to Davy’s Surprize PartyJeff Neal54–55You’re Telling Me63–64September 1967November 1967