You’re Telling Me

I want to assure each and every one of you who have ever written a letter to me, at 16 Magazine, that every single letter is read and that careful consideration is given to everything you write. I’m sure you understand that there isn’t enough space in my magazine for me to publish every letter and that there simply isn’t enough time for me to answer every letter personally. But please know that I’m deeply grateful to you for writing me and that I appreciate every suggestion and criticism you address to me. Write to me as follows; Miss Gloria Stavers, 16 Magazine, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022

Dear Miss Stavers,

I read in an ugh magazine that MARK LINDSAY likes only tall, thin girls with blonde hair who are the opposite from him, and that he thinks his fans love him only as a teen idol and not for his true self. When I read that, I was shocked and shattered—and I am still crying my heart out. This article was nothing like the ones MARK writes for 16. Please tell me the truth! Where can I write to MARK and be sure that he will get my letter?

Vicki Smith
Rivera, Calif.

Dear Vicki,

MARK has asked for the privilege of answering your letter personally. His answer follows:

Dear Vicki,

I was even more shocked than you were when I saw that article written by a supposed “teenage reporter”! Please believe me when I tell you that 90% of the things you read there were strictly made up. Over a year ago, the grown woman who wrote that story somehow got into the Columbia recording studios and I politely gave her about 15 minutes of my time. I don’t know whether she told untruths about me on purpose or if she’s just a poor mixed-up person. Here are the FACTS: I do not prefer only tall skinny blondes. As you know—if you read 16—coloring and looks are not important to me. I look beyond these things to the inner girl. Sometimes not-so-pretty girls have the most beautiful souls and hearts! I never said that opposites attract. I prefer girls who can share some of my interests, but who are individuals. I never said that my fans love the “teen idol” and not the real me. To me, my “fans” are like close friends and I know in my heart that it is the real Mark Lindsay they care for. Thank you for caring—and please remember to turn to 16 when you want the real truth about the real me.

Hollywood, Calif.

P.S.: Please write to me at 9126 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.

Dear Miss Stavers,

You certainly know how to please! I’m thrilled to pieces with my copy of your All-Star Love Story Book I saw advertised in 16! It couldn’t be better!

Mary Waite
Duluth, Minn.

Dear Mary,

You know how to please too! I’m thrilled by your letter! Any other 16 readers want to be pleased to pieces—see Page 31!

Dear Miss Stavers,

Please print this yummy pic of JIM VALLEY I took when he recently performed here. He was great, and will be even greater when you 16-ers hear his fab new recordings on Dunhill.

Jean Barnes
Auburn, Wash.

Dear Gloria,

Please thank all your ravey readers for writing for our catalog. We’re slow in getting them out, but tell your 16 friends—one and all—that sooner or later their booklet (including how to get a fab MONKEE shirt) will be winging their way. Thanks.

Lenny Abel [sic]
Lenny’s Boot Parlor
1448 Gower St.
Hollywood, Calif.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Where can I write to luverly LYNNE RANDELL. She is really a sweet kid and I feel like she is a real friend and “one of us”—a sincere MONKEE-luvver, that is.

Betty Getty
New York City

Dear Betty,

LYNNE is wild for the MONKEES—and her other faves include the RASCALS and PAUL, MARK and the RAIDERS (just to name a few.) She promises to answer all letters, so write to her at Screen Gems Studios, 1334 Beachwood Dr., Hollywood, Calif.

Davy Jones, Ann Moses
Info Davy & Anne

Dear Miss Stavers,

First, I want to thank you for the nice letters you have written to me and my family; second, I want to tell you that I really dig the stories my “Grams” writes about PETER for you; and third, I would like for you to print this snapshot Mom took when my brother PETER TORK introduced me to DAVY JONES when the MONKEES did a concert in Winnepeg [sic]. I’m a very lucky girl!

Anne Thorkelson
Mansfield Center, Conn.

Dear Anne,

Thanks for your thanks—and you are indeed among the super-lucky ones!

Dear Miss Stavers,

Please print this picture of us with LEONARD NIMOY, taken when we were lucky enough to meet him when he stopped in Boston to visit his parents. The picture was taken in front of his father’s barber shop—just before the mob spotted him! He is great!

Debbie Ross
Karen Romanko
Boston, Mass.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Monkees’ Private Picture Book is a MUST for every MONKEE-luvver! I was so overwhelmed with the copy you sent me that I ordered another copy! Can’t get enough of DAVY, MICKY, PETER and MIKE! Can anyone?

Linda Mayberry
Garden City, L.I.

Dear Linda,

To ask the question is to answer it! Calling all MONKEE-luvvers! Turn to Page 39 and read how you can get your copy of MPPB!

Dear(?) Miss Stavers,

Why do you fill 16 with a bunch of babies like the MONKEES, DD&B and KEITH & KEVIN? They are untalented and sickening. Next thing you know you’ll be writing about GARY & THE HORNETS! Save your pages for the grown-up stars and you’ll keep me as a 16 reader.

Clara Honnicut
Duluth, Minn.

Dear Clara,

Sorry you don’t dig 16’s choice of “babies” like DAVY, MICKY, DINO, etc. You are certainly entitled to your tastes and to your opinion—but remember, tastes and opinions do differ, and we try to make room for everyone in the pages of 16. Which reminds me—I left out GARY & THE HORNETS. Well, I’ll put em in here—and those of you who dig them can write to G&H at 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Ill.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Will you please print a picture of the GRASS ROOTS? They performed here in Alaska and they are really ultra-glitzy!

Karen Jones
Anchorage, Alaska

Dear Karen,

Here is a shot of the GR. You can write to them at 8063 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Mention 16 and youll [sic] be sure to get an answer.

Dear Miss Stavers,

I am completely gone on the Association. Please tell me where I can write to them.

Betty Hawley
Winston-Salem, N.C.

Dear Betty,

Write to the ASSOC. ADMIRATION AGGREGATION at 24 N. Mentor Pasadena, Calif. 91101.

Magazine: 16
Editor: Gloria Stavers
Volume: 9
Issue: 5
Publisher: 16 Magazine, Inc.
Pages: 63–64