The Monkees Pad Layout
Click on an object to see its name and picture. The asterisks represent wall hangings, and they also have pictures. Download the map.

- bed
- shelf
- bed
- cupboard
- kettle
- water pump
- sink
- counter
- totem pole
- vase
- dresser
- fridge
- chair
- lamp
- mirror
- monkey’s chair
- dining chair
- chair
- table
- chair
- chest
- typewriter
- chair
- chair
- dining chair
- dining table
- dining chair
- butts
- amp
- table
- spiral staircase
- dining chair
- end table
- chair
- lounge chair
- coffee table
- end table
- drums
- chair
- chair
- amp
- podium
personal checks not accepted
totem pole - love seat
- jukebox
- Big Top poster
Napoleon Gunther’s
big top
palace of fun - clock
arriving - “bus stop”
- “in case of fire RUN”
- flight schedule
Flight No. / Destination / A.M. / P.M. / Gate No.
603 / Honolulu / 24
214 / Manila / 12
310 / Tokyo / 6
820 / Hong Kong / 4
117 / Sydney / 1 - “no smoking or street clothes beyond this point”
- “household job openings”
daily prisoner check out
laundry / hospital / ? / isolation - “Rings Around the World” The Greatest Circus Acts in the World!
- “scrub-up”
- squares
fish (later episodes) - bird
- squares
4 (later episodes) - acrobats poster
- “money is the root of all evil”
- high wire artists poster
(Walter L. Main 3 ring trained wild animal shows)
high wire artists
introducing the most difficult
dangerous feats ever devised
by human ingenuity - “Crime School” half-poster
Today’s Juvenile Delinquents… Tomorrow’s KILLERS
Humphrey (Bogart)
Crim(e School)
“Knock on Any Door” posterHumphrey Bogart
Knock on Any Door - 7
- eye chart
50 BQLN 15.24
40 ACRNO 12.19
30 LTNUEX 9.14
20 FELOPZD 6.10 - “Fine Feathers” poster
”Give me police headquarters”
The biggest American play ever written
Eugene Walter’s dramatic triumph
author of Paid in Full - The Wolf - The Easiest Way - Trail of the Lonesome Pine etc.
150 nights at Astor Theatre, New York - 6 months at Cort Theatre, Chicago
poster - mask
“visit our patio lounge” - photographs
Notes Permalink
Address Permalink
The address of the Monkees’ pad was:
- 1334 Beechwood according to the kidnappers in “Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers”
- 1424 ???, Malibu, Calif. according to the letter in “Too Many Girls (Davy and Fern)”
- 1438 North Beechwood according to Davy in “The Case of the Missing Monkee”
- 1334 North Beechwood Drive, Hollywood, CA according to the telegram in Head
The address 1334 North Beechwood Drive, Hollywood, CA was frequently given in 16 Magazine as an address to contact Screen Gems and/or The Monkees.
Location Permalink
The scenes featuring the pad were filmed on a set at Screen Gems (now Sunset Gower Studios) in Hollywood, CA.
The house used in “Here Come The Monkees - The Pilot” appears to have been a real house. The interior of this house never appeared in any other episode, but the exterior was used for the occasional establishing shot. The actual house was likely located in San Diego (where the pilot was filmed). It’s unlikely this house still exists today.
The Monkees filmed on several different beaches in Malibu, CA. One beach they often used was Westward Beach near Point Dume. This beach was used in the episodes “Royal Flush” and “Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth” and in the 1997 TV special Hey, Hey, It’s The Monkees, where the camera pans down to the beach from a house we can only assume is meant to be the Monkees’ pad.
The Monkees also filmed many outdoor scenes on the Columbia Ranch (now Warner Brothers Ranch) in Burbank, CA.
Season 2 Permalink
The map on this page is based on the layout of the house in the first season of the show. In the second season, the general layout of the pad stayed mostly the same, but there were many new wall hangings and decor.
Head Permalink
The pad was shown only briefly in Head (in the kissing scene and the telegram scene). Most of the furniture and decor was very different. The spiral staircase was gone. The front door and the stained glass window remained the same. The bandstand windows were also stained glass.
Bedrooms Permalink
In “Monkee Chow Mein”, the downstairs bedroom belonged to Davy and Peter, and the upstairs bedroom belonged to Mike and Micky. However, Mike also used the downstairs bedroom in “I’ve Got a Little Song Here”. The downstairs bedroom also appeared in “Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers” and “Monkee Mother”. The upstairs bedroom appeared in “The Chaperone”.
The same bedroom set was used for the upstairs and downstairs bedroom. This set was also used as 1444 Beechwood in “Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers”, Harry’s house in “I’ve Got a Little Song Here”, and Sholto’s office in “Monkees in the Ring”.
Mysterious Doors Permalink
The door to the right of the kitchen:
- is used by Peter (possibly as a closet) in “Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers”
- leads to a closet in “Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth”
- is used by a party guest and Micky in “The Chaperone”
- leads outside and is used by Davy in “One Man Shy (Peter and the Debutante)”
- leads outside and is used by Peter and The Four Martians in “The Audition (Find The Monkees)”
- leads to a closet in “Monkees in the Ring”
- is used by Peter in “Monkee Chow Mein”
- leads outside in “The Christmas Show”
The door to the right of the jukebox leads to the bathroom as explained by Davy in “Monkees Get Out More Dirt” (“I’d gladly trade Mike for the bathroom right away”). This door can also be seen in “The Chaperone” and “One Man Shy (Peter and the Debutante)”.
The door to the left of the front door was never used, but it was seen in “The Chaperone”. It was hidden in “A Coffin Too Frequent” and “Monkees Blow Their Minds”.
Front Entrance Permalink
The front entrance is seen in “Royal Flush”, “Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth”, “Monkee Mother”, and “Monkees Get Out More Dirt”.
Sundeck Permalink
The sundeck is seen in “Success Story”, “The Chaperone”, “I’ve Got a Little Song Here”, “The Prince and the Paupers”, “Monkee Chow Mein”, and “Monkee Mother”.
Appearances Permalink
The pad does not appear in “Monkees in a Ghost Town”, “Son of a Gypsy”, “The Case of the Missing Monkee”, “I Was a Teenage Monster”, “Monkees at the Circus”, “Captain Crocodile”, “Monkees in Manhattan”, and “Monkees on Tour”.
The entire episode takes place at the pad in “Monkee Mother”.
Pictures Permalink
Exterior, Front Entrance Permalink
- More Pictures:
- outside pad
Season 1 Front Door Permalink
- More Pictures:
- front door
Season 1 Downstairs Permalink
- More Pictures:
- pad
- staircase
- upstairs
- downstairs bedroom door
- closet? door
- kitchen
- bandstand
- sundeck
- mysterious wall
Downstairs Bedroom Permalink
- More Pictures:
- downstairs bedroom
Season 1 Upstairs Bedroom Permalink
- More Pictures:
- upstairs bedroom
Season 2 Upstairs Bedroom Permalink
- More Pictures:
- upstairs bedroom
Pilot Permalink
- More Pictures:
- pilot pad
Head Permalink
- More Pictures:
- head pad