16 (August 1967) (14 articles)CoverTable of contentsMagazine: 16Editor: Gloria StaversPublished: August 1967Volume: 9Issue: 3Publisher: 16 Magazine, Inc.Show Sort & Filter OptionsTitleAuthorPageFilter TitleFilter AuthorFilter PageDreamsville10–11The Plot to Destroy The MonkeesGloria Stavers12The Monkee-MailboxThe Monkees13–14Geegee’s Gossip2816’s Super E-Z Teen-King Photo Album Contest30–31More of My Life in Pix (Part 3)Micky Dolenz32–33The Lo-Down38My Grandson, Peter TorkCatherine McGuire Straus42Monkees & MeDavid Pearl44–46, 48, 56Kiss Your Favorite Monkee49Super E-Z 16 Giveaway Sweepstakes54–55An Evening with Davy JonesJeff Neal59Monkees - Raiders - DD&B Concert Tour Schedules60You’re Telling Me64–65July 1967September 1967