Hullo, luvvies! It’s nice to be back with you again in my very own department in 16 Magazine. Now let’s see what groovy things I have for you this month.
Not true about Lulu! Permalink
Wow! There are so many rumors about me and birds that I don’t know which one to deny first. I guess we had better start with Lulu. Don’t get me wrong. Lulu is a lovely girl—and she really is a good friend of mine—but there is absolutely no romance between us. I have dated her a few times, and when I go to England in May to visit my father I probably will see Lulu and appear on the TV special she will be making then. That is really all there is to it.
Deana Martin: although we do not date any more, I often drop by the house to say “hi” to Deana and her family. The Martins are fine people, and I deeply enjoy their company. The girl named Linda whom I was dating for a while is also still a good friend, but there is nothing serious between us. I guess what it comes down to is that your boy Davy Jones has an eye for the girls. I dig being with them and I dig dating them, but I also like being single, foot-loose and fancyfree. It is a good way to be—don’t you agree?
I dance & sing Permalink
One of the most challenging things to happen to me lately is the opportunity to do a big production number in the forthcoming Monkee movie. My number is called Daddy’s Song and it’s going to be a real big Broadway-type song and dance number. I have been rehearsing so hard that I lost five pounds! I hope you see the movie and think it was worth it!
Getting to things more domestic, I thought you might like to know that my dog “Susie” managed to chew a great big hole in the wooden fence around my house. I guess “Susie” (who is a he, not a she) doesn’t dig being fenced in! Unfortunately, I have to have a fence or else some of my ever-luvvin’ fans might get onto my property. The last time I was “invaded,” someone released the brake on one of my cars and caused it to crash. Remember?
Thank you! Permalink
Before I go, I want to send a special and confidential thanks to Beth Valentino of Northport, N.Y., for the taped letter and drawing she sent; to Merilyn Peek of Auckland, New Zealand, for the groovy picture she drew for me; to Debbie Damico and Linda Kindland of Erie, Pa., for the special strand of love-beads they made for me, and to Janet (no last name) of West Covina, Calif., for the beautiful Indian beads she made for me with my name on them.
I will sign off by inviting you to join my fan club. I have personally designed the kit and I think you will really groove it. If you are interested, send me a note to Box 1077, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210, and I will send you full information on how to join the only official Davy Jones Fan Club.