Davy tells you all about the latest and greatest happenings in his busy private life!
Hello again! I’ve got so much to tell you this issue that I don’t know where to start. I guess I’ll go back to England for a spell. How’s that?
During my Christmas visit home, I spent ten days with my dad. Three of these were spent recuperating from a bout with the flu, which hit me just about the time my feet hit English soil! For Christmas, I redecorated my dad’s home. Thought you might like to know that my sister Beryl and her husband Alan are now living in the house with dad. The guest room there is reserved just for me, and that is where I sleep when I am in Manchester. By the way, my dad, who (as some of you may know) was under the weather for quite a while, is now feeling just fine. He has gotten the roses back in his checks [sic] and is as fit as a fiddle, if you’ll pardon a silly expression. Needless to say, we all enjoyed a warm and wonderful Yuletide together.
I stopped in London for a while to say hello to Peter Tork and his brand new beard! I went shopping and I bought a collection of beautiful English university and college scarves, which I took back to Los Angeles with me and gave to all my friends as souvenirs of England.
“Guitar man” Permalink
From London, I flew to Switzerland and the beautiful city of St. Moritz, and there I bought the groovy lynx coat you see me wearing in the picture on these pages. When I got back to New York City, my Cadillac wasn’t waiting for me, as had been planned, so David Pearl and I decided to fly to San Antonio for a visit, then go on to Dallas to meet his folks, and then wing it to Hollywood.
I took the beautiful acoustic guitar (that Peter Tork gave me) on the entire trip, and more than once I found myself in the mood for playing and composing.
Here’s a real scoop for you—I wrote many new songs while I was on my vacation, and I hope that some of them will be included on our next Monkee LP. They are all slow, sentimental, romantic tunes.
I also started growing a mustache while I was traveling. Maybe you can see the faint beginning of it in the picture in which I’m wearing the fur coat. It was not exactly a whopping success, so I shaved it off when I got back to Los Angeles.
More redecorating Permalink

I got one of the greatest surprises of my life when I arrived back at my house! One of the girls from my manager’s office had had the whole interior cleaned and redecorated. I had been thinking of doing this before I left. I had already decided on the colors I wanted and the general design of the furniture, but that was as far as I had gotten—so you can imagine how pleased I was to come back and find that all the work had been done for me! Now I love the house more than ever—and that is a lot. My favorite room is the garage. My garage is not like anybody else’s. You see, I have had it converted into a soundproof studio where I go to compose, play the guitar and listen to playbacks of the material I have done.
While I was in England, I ordered a big new pool table. When it gets here, I am going to put that in the garage. My English Honda car, in British racing blue, was also waiting for me when I returned—complete with hi-fi radio-stereo! I love it, but I also dig riding around on my Triumph motorcycle. Just call me “Wheels” Jones!
Thank-yous & fan club Permalink
Here is a list of special thank-yous—from me to some of the groovy people out there who sent me gifts and pleasant surprises. Read carefully—your name may be here: Thanks to JEANNIE MILLER of Dallas, Texas; CELESTE PALASIK and CONNIE NOWOSIELSKI of Calumit City, Ill.; BONNIE HASTEY of Yuba City, Calif.; KATHE GLASSBRENNER of Alton, Ill.; BETH HARPER of Lansing, Mich.; MONICA BALDIOCEDA of New Orleans, La.; GLORIA AMARAL of Phoenix, Ariz.; SANDRA KRETSCHMER of Antioch, Calif.; JANET SCHRADER of Royal Oak, Mich.; KIM O’NEILL of Washington, D.C.; BARBARA REGLEY of Matoka, Wash.; and LYNN SKJOKI of Hinckley, Ohio.
By the time this colum is in print my super-special fan club kit should be ready and in the mail. If you have already ordered one—please be patient. If you haven’t ordered one, and you would like to get a kit about me that I personally put together, just send $2 to: Davy Jones Official Fan Club, Box 1498, Beverly Hills, Calif. 90210. Be sure to print your name and address clearly when you send your fan club membership dues. You have my word that this club is going to be the swingiest DJFC there ever was!
S’all for now! See you next month. Don’t forget—the June issue of 16 goes on sale April 25.