Tiger Beat (April 1968) (12 articles)

  • Cover
  • Table of contents

Magazine: Tiger Beat
Editor: Ann Moses
Volume: 3
Issue: 8
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Company

Davy’s Secret TravelsHazel Jones Wilkinson3–5
Tiger Talk6, 9
Micky’s Wild Hawaiian Holiday10–12
It’s Happening in HollywoodDuke Lewis14–15, 63
Peter Talks About the Girls He Loves and What Love Means to Him20–21
Monkee TalkThe Monkees24–25
Phyllis Nesmith—Why She’s an Ideal Mother36–37
Genie the Tailor Opens Shop44–45
I Visit with The Monkees (Part 17)Ann Moses46–47
Meow…w!Ann Moses52–53
Stop Press59
Pics in the News66