Monkee Letters

Send your letters to:
1800 North Highland Ave., Suite 220
Hollywood, California 90028

We thought the Monkee Concert at Forest Hills, New York was the greatest, except for one thing. Our seats were ten feet from the stage, but we couldn’t see most of the show. The reason was that the security guards were standing in front of us. We weren’t allowed to stand. If anyone tried, they were pushed back in their seats.

We realize these guards are for the Monkees’ protection, but we think they go a little too far. If they treated us like human beings maybe the crowds would be more well-behaved. After all, we didn’t buy tickets to see the guards!

Ellen, Lynn & Patti
Far Rockaway, N.Y.

In the August issue of your magazine I saw pics of Peter Tork cutting his beard with scissors. Why?

Susan Smith
Wisc. Dells, Wisc.

Peter cut his beard down with scissors first so that he could shave it off.

I was just sitting here reading your August Monkee Spectacular and I came upon a letter I had written to your Monkee Rumors section! I didn’t even think I was going to get in your magazine! In fact, I thought you made up your own rumors. Now I know you tell the truth!

Rochester, N.Y.

Pete’s my fave Monkee, but I’d like to know why he got stuck with being the idiot on their TV show? Maybe it’s because it fits him? Only joking, of course!

Mona Frick
Jasper, Ind.

Today is my birthday, and I’m 15. The only trouble is that I’m sick! But every time I look at my Monkee poster on my wall, with all of my fave guys smiling at me, it makes my birthday wonderful!

Omaha, Neb.

The Monkees came to our town to give a concert, and the local radio station decided to sell as souvenirs the bed linen they used during their stay. The sheets were cut up into one-inch squares and sold for one dollar each.

All the profits went to a local nursery in dire need of a new building. I thought the Monkees would like to know what happiness their visit brought both fans and needful children. Thanks!

Ashleigh Rigdon
Charlotte, N.C.

Just a few days ago there was a contest on our radio station between all of the Monkees. It lasted 30 minutes and here are the results of the voting:

Davy 90
Micky 41
Peter 37
Mike 11

A Fan
Memphis, Tenn.

I have a complaint with a great number of Mike Nesmith fans. They all say how much they love Mike, but then they start to whine about the way he doesn’t “smile often.” This is ridiculous!

Mike isn’t the “smiles often” type. He’s more serious. I guess he can and will smile when he wants to. He’s just waiting until he’s ready!

Wendy Preselt
Baltimore, Md.

I think the pictures of Christian DuVal in the August Monkee Spectacular were great! It was the first color picture I’ve seen of him. Also the pictures of Phyllis were great too! I hope you will have lots more on the Nesmith family!

Monkees Forever
Manchester, N.H.

What a wonderful photographer Henry Diltz must be! Those gorgeous pictures he took of Phyllis Nesmith in your August issue were outasite! I knew she was beautiful, but Henry’s pictures did her justice!

Vicki Sowers
Hazelwood, Mo.

My English pen pal had the most wonderful experience at a Monkee Concert in London! She sat in the front row by the stage door, and everyone was quietly waiting for the Monkees to appear. All of a sudden she heard someone clomping down the aisle. It was a boy, but he was looking down so she couldn’t see his face.

She said to him, “Hey, would you mind sitting down, mate? I came to hear the Monkees, not your clodhoppers!” Then he looked at her and gave the loudest laugh! She sat there unable to move, because the boy was Davy Jones!

And to think she just had to reach out her hand to touch him!

Karen We
Detroit Lk, Minn.

I went to the Monkee Concert in Detroit, and it just cracked me up to see all those little girls eating their hearts out for those guys up on the stage! I don’t have to worry, because everybody knows I’m going to marry Peter!

I love him, and if he loves his fans like he says he does, and I’m his greatest fan, then it’s just so obvious that we’re meant for each other. Right?

Skooter B.
Utica, Mich.

This letter is just to let anyone who hasn’t been informed know what a wonderful, considerate person David Jones is!

While on stage at the Philadelphia Monkee Concert, Davy picked up and put on a hat thrown by my girlfriend, Mary Beth. The hat had my sister’s phone number on it because that’s where we were staying. Davy must have kept the hat, because the next night he called from New York just to speak to Mary Beth.

I know we will never forget that as long as we live, and we love Davy more than ever for being so thoughtful!

Janine Sauerwein
Phillipsburg, N.J.

I wish Micky was President, Davy Vice President, Peter Secretary and Mike Governor of Missouri!

Toni Laird
Vandalia, Mo.

I tried Micky’s recipe for African Wambat Soup. I only had one problem with it. I simmered it for 17 days and did everything the directions said, but it didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted. I wanted the carpet with loops on it, but it turned out just like plain old carpet. Also, it’s a little sticky.

Next time Micky gives a recipe, tell him to get one with easier ingredients. It was hard to get the Wambat, and that furb!!

Cynthia Lindsley
Parma, Ohio

Peter Tork is my fave! I adore him! I wish you would have more pictures on him.

By the way, if he doesn’t have a steady, tell him I’m available!

Janet A.
Asheboro, N.C.

I’m one of those girls who break down and cry when I see pictures of the Monkees, but I can’t help it! When a girl knows she will never be able to see them in person, she has to do something!

Judy Malinski
Waterford, Conn.

Micky is really the one I love most. I love his way-out jokes and pranks. Also, we have something in common! My hair is very curly, just like his!

Wendy Wilkin
S. Yarmouth, Mass.

I’m planning to buy a monkey and would like to know if the Monkees have any pointers for me, as they take such good care of themselves. I want to know what they eat and drink and where they sleep.

Also, I am getting a very young monkey, and I would like to have some assurance that they don’t all grow as big as the four Monkees did. How much will a year’s supply of bananas cost?

Judy Bell
Austin, Tex.

I would like to know what Davy has in his hand in the picture on the inside cover on Monkee Spectacular #5. I’ve looked and looked, but I can’t figure it out. Can you tell me?

Laredo, Tex.

Davy is holding a baton.

In your Monkee Letters column recently a girl wrote that she had only 8" to go before she was as tall as Davy. That is ridiculous! P.S. I have only 5 ½ more inches!

Bonnie Strong
Metaire, La.

Why does everyone have to make such a fuss over how funny Micky is? Don’t they care about how he feels inside? I do, and I know that all the true Micky fans do too.

I know that seeing Micky in action is great, and he really is funny, but I think, in fact I know, that what is inside him is a lot more wonderful and beautiful than any joke he could tell! But who’s going to know if they don’t look any farther than his jokes?

I Love Micky
Akron, Ohio

Thanks for printing Monkee Pen Pals. I got one, and she’s real groovy! I really like your magazine. Keep up the good work!

Becky Bordon
Eau Claire, Mich.

I am a fan of yours, Davy. I am 8 years old and I like you very much. I have baby blue eyes, blonde hair and dirty feet! I like horses, cats, and boys.

St. Louis, Mo.

Magazine: Monkee Spectacular
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 1
Issue: 7
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Co.
Pages: 24–25