Monkee Mike’s Wife Shows Off Her New Chinchilla in Their Outasite Home!
Phyllis Nesmith has always been noted for her intelligence. Now, in these exclusive photos by Henry Diltz, Mike’s wife proves that she also has great beauty.
Mike surprised Phyllis with this fantastic chinchilla coat and a matching chinchilla trimmed mini as a gift. She couldn’t wait to show it off, so here, for the first time anywhere, is Phyllis Nesmith, the model. Move over Twiggy. You’ve got some mighty exciting competition.
The Nesmiths at Home.
These informal shots show how Phyllis and Mike can relax at home. Not only is it elegant, but warm and inviting, and it has a pool and plenty of room for young Christian and Fraak to roam. No wonder the Nesmiths look so dreamy!
Info Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry DiltzInfo Credit: Henry Diltz