I Went Along on Davy’s Outasite Vacation | Monkee Spectacular | Bob Custer | 1967/05 |
The Monkees Meet The Beatles & Take England by Storm | 16 | | 1967/06 |
72 Very Personal Fax About Davy Jones | Flip | | 1967/06 |
My Life in Pix | 16 | Davy Jones | 1967/07 |
Not True | Monkees Monthly | Jackie Richmond | 1967/10 |
Davy by Frazer “Jamie” Hines | Monkees Monthly | Frazer “Jamie” Hines | 1967/11 |
The Truth About Davy Jones | Rave | | 1968/01 |
Davy: The Secrets Behind His Jockey Days | Monkees Monthly | Jackie Richmond | 1968/04 |
Monkee Rumors | Monkee Spectacular | | 1968/08 |
The Monkees Story (Part 12) | Monkees Monthly | | 1968/09 |
A Riot of Our Own: A Monkees Overview | Creem Presents | Iman Lababedi | 1987/04 |
The Monkees’ Unauthorized Biography | SuperTeen | | 1987/05 |