Monkee Letters

Send your letters to:
1800 North Highland Ave., Suite 220
Hollywood, California 90028

I am an expert on good pictures of the Monkees (as all true Monkee fans are) and the pictures in your latest Monkee Spectacular were GOOD! I liked them so well I framed all four of them and hung them above my bed so I can have pleasant dreams at night.

Sikeston, Mo.

I really dug that article in Monkee Spec #9 entitled Are You Really a Monkee Fan?” I read it four or five times and then found out I wasn’t.

So now do me a favor and put out a monthly Beatle Spec. OK?

Judy Maccioni
Melvindale, Mich.

In the January issue of Monkee Spectacular you said that Davy’s love beads were a present from Henry Diltz. When I found out that the Monkees have heard of my last name, I almost fainted!

Diana Diltz
Dayton, Ohio

I buy all of my Monkee magazines at a store called “Tork’s Drug.” How do you like that? A store named after Peter!

Glasgow, Mont.

For all of you who are jealous of Ann Moses, let me tell you about my meeting with her. I went to her office in Hollywood and was lucky enough to catch her right before an interview. She could have started the interview earlier, but she talked to me instead! I think it was groovy of her to give me her time!

What’s wrong with her liking the Monkees? Why shouldn’t they like each other—they work together, don’t they? The minute I sat down and she started talking to me, I felt as if she had known me all her life!

I know Ann has feelings too, and some of the girls who write in and say they hate her and so on have never met her! But she still prints their opinions, whether it hurts her or not!

Fran Foreman
Tustin, Calif.

My cousin and I are conducting a Monkee Survey. We call people up on the phone and ask them their opinion of the Monkees. We also ask people on the street questions about them. It’s wild! I love to hear the answers!

We have even bought notebooks to keep the answers in. You fans should try it, it’s fun!

Lori Beimel
Wichita Falls, Tex.

Let’s face it, if more people in this world were like Peter, it would be a better place to live! Really!

Morrisville, Pa.

I have a friend who looks something like Mike. I have another friend who looks something like Peter. I have still another friend who looks something like Micky.

The funniest thing about them is that they don’t remind me at all of Mike, Peter and Micky! They dislike each other and the Monkees! They’re also driving me nuts!

A Monkee Maniac
San Leandro, Calif.

This letter is directed to all those girls who think that Davy Jones is conceited. If, in your minds, Davy Jones is stuck on himself, think again. He’s got an AWFUL lot to be stuck on! So there, luvies!

Sue Myers
Elyria, Ohio

I bet some of you have been wondering what it feels like to be lonely. Well here it is a Wednesday night, and that’s how I feel! Our record player won’t work—disasterville! Here I am with every Monkee record ever made, and no record player!

On top of this, KAKC, our radio station, won’t play any of the Monkee songs I’ve been requesting. Also, I’m the only one at home tonight! And even worse, I’m thinking how far away the Monkees are—about 1,448 miles!

Dorinda Mayhue
Tulsa, Okla.

At night I sleep with a radio on to hear Monkee songs. One night the radio fell off the table and broke. I got it fixed and haven’t heard a Monkee song since!

Lisa Pucci
Dayton, Ohio

I think Christian Nesmith is the grooviest little boy I have ever seen. He is so sweet and sensitive! So keep being a groovy and sweet little boy, Christian!

Cindy Rochester
Cambridge, Ohio

Just a wee note of thanks for sending me the Monkees’ ’67 Concert Photo Album! It’s even greater than I thought it would be! I dig the Monkees very much, but I didn’t get the chance to groove out at one of their concerts. The Photo Album shows me I missed a great deal of fantastic action.

For those who didn’t see the boys in concert, I recommend this book to you. It’s FAB!

Nora Duncan
Ont. Canada

Almost all of Micky’s fans have no respect for Samantha Juste! They get jealous of her just because Micky dates her as often as possible.

We think if Micky ever did pop the question to Samantha they would make a wonderful couple!

Susan and Julie
Superior, Wis.

I like Micky’s hair any kind of way, as long as Micky is under it!

Micky Luvver
Denver, Colo.

Recently, I checked a book out of the library about England. I had gotten to the part about the English theater and noticed a picture from the play, “Oliver.” I looked again. In the picture was Davy Jones as the “Artful Dodger!”

A Bookworm
Phoenix, Ariz.

I saw Ann Moses on “Happening ’68” recently and thought she was great! To Ann: Thanks for the Monkees bits-and-pieces! But now do I have worries! Ann’s so cute… but she spends SO much time with the Monkees!

Well, Ann, if you keep up the great pics and the stories, I won’t mind. Thanks!

Astra Hedgpeth
New Orleans, La.

This is dedicated to someone sweet, someone dear, someone neat. Someone as gentle as a dove. Someone you can’t help but love. Someone who has a big, big heart! A person with so much love he can’t give it all away. Someone as gentle as a baby. And you know who I mean: Davy!

Kim Williamson
Cape Girardeau, Mo.

If Davy was walking down the street with Sally Field and I saw them, I would scream so Sally would turn around, and while she wasn’t looking I’d grab Davy and run off with him!

Donna Barkley
Hickory, N.C.

I had a lot of old, scratched-up Monkee records that I didn’t play very often because they skipped. Then I figured out a neat way to unscratch them!

Just take a pen or some other weight and attach it to the arm on the record player with a rubber band. You have to experiment to get the right weight, because if it’s too light it won’t work and if it’s too heavy it slows down the record. When you get it just right the record will play straight through without skipping! Sometimes after awhile, the scratch wears off and you don’t need the pen anymore!

Now all my Monkee records sound groovy again!

Karen Roliff
Tucson, Ariz.

Magazine: Monkee Spectacular
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 1
Issue: 13
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Co.
Pages: 16–17