The never-before-told stories about your favorites from the gal who PERSONALLY knows them all—ANN MOSES
Before I left lovely London, there were some wild scenes that must be related—like on the film set with HERMAN’S HERMITS. The week before I came back to Hollywood, I went out to Shepardton [sic] Studios about 15 miles outside of London and saw the HERMITS for one crazy afternoon.
First, they had many surprises for me about their film—like MRS. BROWN is a racing dog! But don’t despair, HERMAN falls in love with a lovely girl in the film. Do they get married? Wait and see—that’s only one of the many surprise endings of the movie.
We all had lunch back at their hotel, which used to be a coach inn and the doors were so tiny (people were shorter way back then) that all the boys had to duck down to go through them! After a great lunch, LEK, KARL, KEITH and BARRY couldn’t wait to get outside to play “Concores.” That’s an English children’s game that the HERMITS have gone crazy over. LEK seemed to be the champion that day.
Back in London I spent a groovy afternoon talking with the BEE GEES. It was hard to see them, because they were so in demand due to their number one record on the British charts, “Massachusetts.” Ever wonder how they chose their name? The guys told me it was a combination of things—one being older brother BARRY GIBB’S initials; two, B.G. were the initials of a disc jockey in Australia who gave them a big push when they were young and just starting out; and three, it seemed after every show they did people would tell them that they were “Bloody Great!” So, they called themselves the BEE GEES.
Fall was a busy time for them since they wrote the script, and music for a 40 minute television special in which they starred for British TV. In addition, they were preparing for their spectacular live show at the Saville Theater, including a 30 piece orchestra. I was lucky enough to see one of their stage shows during my visit and it’s a performance I’ll never forget!
Vacations are always fun, but I have to admit I missed all my friends here in Hollywood. My first day back on the MONKEES set was so much fun because DAVY was wondering how I liked England and MICKY was asking if I liked “Top Of The Pops,” which I did. And I was busy saying “hello” to the boys from all their friends in London.

COCO was down in Hollywood visiting at MICKY’S house and she related the great news that she’s now engaged to her boyfriend, DICK. She met DICK up in Los Gatos where she lives with her parents. They plan to marry in a year or two.
THE MONKEES are working harder than ever, but now they have an “escape hatch” which is a private room, furnished beautifully, that is always locked and only the four boys have keys! This is separate from their dressing rooms and if they ever feel like “hiding out,” this is where they go.
You never can be sure what will happen to you when you’re at RCA Studios in Hollywood. When JEFFERSON AIRPLANE invited me and my friend to a session, we said yes immediately. Their session was going strong when a door flew open and MONKEE producer, CHIP DOUGLAS, burst in. “Did I see Annie Moses come in here?” he shouted. Then he called me and my friend into Studio A, where the MONKEES were recording.
“We need more people to clap on this tune, can you help?” I eagerly told him yes and we all sat around the microphone in the center of the studio and clapped on the off beat to CHIP’S direction. After several takes we heard, “That’s a good one!” from the control booth. So, the clapping you hear on “Daydream Believer” is one-sixth by me. What a crazy, but very groovy night!
DO YOU SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH a STAR? One year older in January are: PAUL REVERE, the 7th; ELVIS PRESLEY, the 8th; SCOTT ENGEL, the 9th; and DESI ARNAZ, JR., the 19th.

Just when the MONKEE mail asking if DAVY was going to be drafted began to die down, it went shooting up again asking if DAVY was dating SALLY FIELD. I didn’t know, so when I was down at Screen Gems I asked them both.
DAVY told me, “Yes. I met SALLY at the Teen International Pageant, but then I was gone for four months on tour. She’s a really cool girl. When I got home I asked her out. She has a great apartment down at the beach, so I pick her up and we have dinner down at the beach and then maybe go for a walk along the water. We always have a great time.”
SALLY told me that DAVY was one of the few boys in the business she has dated. She said, “DAVY and I have the same sense of humor and we talk a lot. I really love getting to know people and talking is the best way.
“I’m really getting to know DAVY because I see him all the time. He comes onto the ‘Flying Nun’ set and I’m always running over to the MONKEE set. I see him really early in the morning and when he’s tired at the end of the work day. When you can see a person in all their moods and in different circumstances you really get to know them. He’s really neat!”
SHORTIES: JIM VALLEY has grown a beard and is wearing his hair differently now.
GEORGE HARRISON has had his Mini-cooper S painted in all phychedelic [sic] patterns and wild colors.
You’ll find a totally new look and sound when you pick up on CHAD STUART and JEREMY CLYDE’s new album called “Of Cabbages And Kings.” It’s really different.
SALLY FIELD often attended the University of Southern California football games during the football season.
Funny how the flower power scene has left its originators, THE SEEDS, far, far behind.
DINO MARTIN, JR. did a fantastic job of dying in “Rough Night In Jerico.” He is shot to death by GEORGE PEPPARD.