What’s new with your favorites from coast-to-coast!
Zilch I, DAVY JONES’ ultra-rave boutique in NYC’s super-hip Greenwich Village, is a fantastic success. It’s located at 217 Thompson Street and specializes in DAVY’s favorite kind of shirts, slacks, belts and bangles. His latest fave is an achkan, which is a sort of Eastern Indian, ¾-length, long-sleeve jacket trimmed with brilliant braid (you can see just a peep of one, which DAVY is wearing, in the pictures on these pages). Zilch I also features Love-Beads. These are strands of those tiny American Indian beads like DAVY wears all the time. You can buy them ready-made in your favorite colors, or you can buy a kit and make them yourself as a gift for yourself, or a girl friend, or (oh, goody!) a boy friend. If you’re one of the unluckys who can’t make it to Zilch I in person, send 25ยข in coins (for handling and mailing) to Zilch I, 217 Thompson Street, New York City (be sure to print your full name and address clearly in your letter) and DAVY will personally see to it that you get one of Zilch’s triffik mail order catalogs . . . Sorry so many of you LINDSAY-lovers misconceived that zinger I threw about MARK’s fast driving (in the November issue). My intention was to impress upon MARK the danger and dumbness of excessive speeding in an automobile. The horror is that he could blow a tire or even hit a pebble on the road and be killed or (worse yet) be scarred and maimed forever. The only way for MARK to prevent that from happening is to slow down, and that’s a fact! A “kindly” L.A. judge may end up helping him most of all, for as we go to press that judge is deciding whether or not to take MARK’s driver’s license away from him after another recent rash of speeding tickets. Meanwhile, MARK has sobered considerably concerning all the above and has himself a Rolls Royce limousine complete with liveried chauffeur. Whew!! . . . The adorable COWSILLS are up for their own TV series. Hope they get it . . . Congratulations to ERIC BURDON and his beautiful bride ANGIE KING, who were married in Caxton Hall, Westminster, London, England, early in September.
Life Magazine’s ROGER VAUGHN wed feature writer KAREN DUDLEY in a rural setting in Centerville, Md., in mid-September. America’s hippest reverend, HOWARD MOODY of Greenwich Village’s Judson Memorial Church, performed the ceremony. A rock ’n’ roll band played a special wedding song, written just for them by JIM MORRISON of the DOORS. JIM’s song undoubtedly will soon replace the Mendelssohn wedding march—well, just like stereo has replaced mono . . . Beautiful KATHY CARPENTER and dashing DAVID MCCALLUM tied the knot in September at a private wedding in Valley Stream, N.Y. . . . Luvly LYNNE RANDELL has just finished a tour of Australia with TRINI LOPEZ. Before she departed for same, she spent her spare time baby-sitting for a kid named CHRISTIAN NESMITH, who is 2 ½ years old and whose favorite word is “groovy” . . . GeeGee’s recommended LP’s this month include Once Upon A Dream by the Rascals on Atlantic; Eric Burdon’s Winds Of Change on MGM; Chad and Jeremy’s mystical Of Cabbages And Kings on Columbia; Spanky & Our Gang on Mercury; Bobby Vee’s Come Back When You Grow Up on Liberty.
Watch for this young man: TIM BUCKLEY. He has everything—beauty, youth, talent and a singing voice that transports you to another world, plus the ability to give Love freely, without fear and without wishing for anything in return. More on him later. Meanwhile, don’t fail to pick up on his stoney-end Elektra LP Goodbye And Hello.