THE MONKEES soon to start on a full-length feature film, which DAVY, MIKE, MICKY, and PETER are writing themselves . . . Get ready for Yellow Submarine, an animated feature film about the BEATLES, for which they have recorded twelve songs—including four brand new tunes. JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE and RINGO call YS a reflection of the “…mod ‘now’ world of the BEATLES.” . . . Don’t worry, dahlin’s, MICKY U-know-who is not going to get drafted—I promise! . . . Also, he’s not going to curl up and get all sick, like some meanie mag recently insinuated. Fact is, MICKY had a childhood disease which left him with a slight back problem—which disqualifies him from military service but in no way hampers his career as a MONKEE . . . Li’l DON and JEFF of DON & THE GOODTIMES, disguised behind a week’s growth of beard, entered an amateur contest one night at a top Sunset Strip club. JEFF sang and DONNY played organ; then they did imitations of MARLON BRANDO, FRED MACMURRAY, etc. They won first prize! And guess what the prize was? A recording contract!
SAJID KHAN was among the enthusiastic TIM BUCKLEY applauders at TIM’s opening night recently at Hollywood’s famous folk-club, the Troubador. TIM was amazed and delighted by his sell-out, standing-room-only, seven-night engagement. He shouldn’t have been so amazed. After all, he is great . . . Recipe for a Wow! new group: Take four 19-year-old boys—all single, all songwriters, fab musicians and singers, all over six feet tall and trim and gorgeous. Shake ’em all up together and you get something called the NAZZ. This sensational new group hails from Philadelphia and THOM, whom you see pictured here, is just an example of how cute they all are . . . The hippest new newspaper to roll off the presses is Rolling Stone. It’s editor, JANN WENNER, writes and solicits articles on pop stars and groups, showing great editorial insight, but still with a flair and style that makes Rolling Stone uniquely different from all the other so-called “underground newspapers.” To order a single issue, send 25ยข to this address: Rolling Stone, 746 Brannan St., San Francisco, Calif. 94103. It’s a good investment.

CLAUDIA MARTIN and DAVY JONES are pictured here at the party celebrating DEANA MARTIN’s opening at the Whisky-A-Go Go. DEANA’s group, the CHROMIUM PLATED STREAMLINED BABY, were a smash success, so you can look for them to come up with records soon . . . Speaking of records, here are the GeeGee recommended LPs this month: Country Joe & The Fish’s Fixin’ To Die on Vanguard; Hollies’ King Midas/Dear Eloise on Epic (our ed Gloria wrote the liner notes for this); Chuck Berry Live At The Fillmore on Mercury; The Pink Floyd on Tower; With Love Cher on Imperial; Sonny: Inner Views on Atco; Beach Boys Deluxe (a set of three LPs comprising their best work over the years) on Capitol; Turtles’ Golden Hits on White Whale; Lulu’s To Sir With Love on Epic; the Box Tops’ The Letter–Neon Rainbow on Bell; the Mamas & The Papas’ Farewell To The First Golden Era on Dunhill; for admirers of the late Woody Guthrie, his son’s (Arlo Guthrie) fascinating, satirical Alice’s Restaurant on Reprise; and finally, to get you ready, listen to The Genius Of Ravi Shankar on Columbia, and then run out and buy the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s first LP—it’s on World-Pacific. It is a for-real trip. No artificial stimulation necessary!
Lines from LYNNE RANDELL: “Just got my hair cut by GENE SHACOVE. It’s kind of fringed and feathered. Hope you like it” . . . Fantastic JIMI HENDRIX is working on a musical pop-opera based on a Shakespearean play. JANE ASHER will star in it . . . PETER TORK has taken up Zen painting, which is drawing in black ink with bamboo pens and then “washing” the drawings with brushwork. PETER is also writing some very deep and beautiful poetry. . . . Hollywood’s latest “in” place is the FACTORY, which is a great big, old warehouse. It has billiard tables, modern paintings and live music, and if you go there you’ll see people like DINO, JR., MICKY DOLENZ and MIKE and PHYLLIS NESMITH rubbing elbows with the TONY CURTISES, the FRANK SINATRAS and—oh, yes, MR. and MRS. DEAN MARTIN, SR. . . . Both DAVY JONES and PETER TORK are A & R-ing some of the brand new MONKEE material. DAVY has also started writing songs, and they are quite good . . . Hope you didn’t miss SONNY and CHER’s hilarious appearance on The Phyllis Diller Show.