You’re Telling Me

I want to assure each and every one of you who writes a letter to me at 16 Magazine that your letter is delivered to me personally. I want to assure you too that I read every single letter I receive, that I’m grateful to you for writing to me and that I appreciate every suggestion and criticism you address to me. There isn’t enough space in 16 Magazine for me to publish every letter I receive and there isn’t enough time for me to answer every letter personally—but please keep writing and look for your letter and my answer each month in You’re Telling Me!

Address all of your letters as follows: Miss Gloria Stavers, 16 Magazine, Business Office, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022.

Dear Miss Stavers,

I’ve been thinking it over and I (and some of my girl friends) think that DAVY JONES should leave the MONKEES now. He has everything it takes to be a giant star on his own and he should strike while the iron is hot! Don’t get me wrong, I love the MONKEES—their records and their TV show—but if DAVY stays with them, he may miss his big chance for individual stardom. I say that he should split and start his own career pronto!

Gretta Black
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Gretta,

Your opinion is certainly very interesting. I will maintain what the press calls “editorial silence”, but let’s hear from all you 16-ers. What do you really think DAVY should do?

Dear Miss. Stavers,

I am madly in love with JIM MORRISON and the DOORS. Where can I write to JIM and the other guys?

Suzanna Grant
South Bend, Ind.

Dear Suzanna,

Write to JIM and the rest of the DOORS at 8063 Beverly Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. 90048. If you put “I Am A 16 Reader” on the outside of your envelope, your letter will get special attention.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Your Monkee Private Picture Book is the grooviest! I really got hung up on it. As a true MONKEE-luvver, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

JoLene Gatlin
Buna, Texas

Dear JoLene,

And buckets of thanx back to you! Any other true MONKEE-luvvers should fast turn to Page 39!

Dear Miss Stavers,

I recently had the privilege of attending one of the MONKEE concerts, and I saw the SUNDOWNERS appearing on the same bill. I thought they were adorable. Could you please print a picture of them and tell me where I can write to them?

Lorraine LaRacca
Maspeth, N.Y.

Dear Lorraine,

Your wish is my command. Here they are (top—Bobby Dick and Kim Capli; bottom—Eddie Brick, Eddie Placidi and Donnie De Mieri). Write to them at Contemporary, 9100 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood. Calif. Be sure to write on your envelope “I Am A 16 Reader”.

Samantha Juste Dolenz, Micky Dolenz
Info Sammy & Micky

Dear Miss Stavers,

I heard that MICKY DOLENZ is marrying SAMANTHA JUSTE. I know I can count on 16 to tell me the truth—because it’s not one of those rumor-spreading, sensation-seeking rag-mags (thank goodness!).

Julie Weiss
Benton Harbor, Mich.

Dear Julie,

Thanks for the bright, white 16-light! When I talked with MICKY recently, he told me that he and “SAMMY” are not getting engaged or hitched! SAMMY is a wonderful, sweet, good girl, and if she should turn out to be the lucky one who can add even more happiness to deserving MICKY DOLENZ’s life—then I am sure that we will all unite in wishing them both the best. However, please don’t let those alarmists scare you DOLENZ-doters to death with made-up stories. I mean, a girl could have a heart attack or something over things like that!

Dear Miss Stavers,

Please print a pic and the mailing address of my fave group, EVERY MOTHER’S SON.

Laurie Gree
Houston, Texas

Dear Laurie,

Here be the EMS. Write to them c/o Eleanor Zadik, Suite 506, 420 Lexington, New York, N.Y. 10017. Be sure to mention 16—and you’ll get a prompt reply.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Here is my reply to SUE MILES’ suggestion in the September issue of 16 that marvelous MARCUS whack off his magnificent queue (that’s French for what we have all been calling a “pony-tail”—and it is the correct word for MARK’s hair style): Hands off MARK LINDSAY’s hair!! If anybody cuts it, so help me I’ll break ’em in two! The only reason it should ever be cut is because MARK decides he wants to do it. It’s his trade-mark. It makes him even more special—like a hero out of a novel, someone different and magical.

Nan Parati
Charlotte, N.C.

Dear Nan,

Thanx for your tuff LINDSAY letter. We literally got thousands and thousands! About 75% said don’t cut; 15% said trim; 5% said it’s up to Mark; and 5% said cut. Don’t worry—MARK definitely assures me that he ain’t cuttin’ off his queue!

Dear Miss Stavers,

Thank you, 16, PAUL, MARK and all the RAIDERS there ever were for the wonder-filled hours of pleasure you have brought my way. I am enclosing a shot of PHIL VOLK I took while he was still a RAIDER and I gifted him with a scrapbook I made. I wish him, SMITTY and DRAKE the best in their future endeavors!

Lynnemarie O’Neil
Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.

Dear Lynnmarie,

All the above-mentioned send their warmest regards to you! By the way, in the next issue you will be seeing an “in person” letter from the BROTHERHOOD—PHIL-DRAKE-SMITTY—so don’t miss.

Dear Gloria,

Just a note to compliment you on the wonderful job you do on 16—it gets peppier and more exciting with each issue.

Mrs. Diana Vreeland
Vogue Magazine
New York City

Dear Mrs. Vreeland,

You zen-ed me! And the same to you and yours. Much love.

Dear Miss Stavers,

I’ve gone wild for the LEWIS & CLARKE EXPEDITION. Please print a picture of them and tell me where I can write to them.

Barbee Meier
San Diego, Calif.

Dear Barbee,

Write to L&C EXPEDITION at Box 928, Radio City Station, New York City 10019.

Dear Miss Stavers,

I’m completely confused. Who’s who in DON & THE GOODTIMES?

Gloria Fern
Seattle, Wash.

Dear Gloria,

Here’s the latest (but remember, groups are always subject to change): Big DON McKINNEY left the group; CHARLIE COE left to join the RAIDERS (CHARLIE’s correct birthday is November 17, 1946, for all of you who asked). DON was replaced by JEFF HAWKS and CHARLIE was replaced by 19-year-old JOEY NEWMAN. You can write to DON & THE G’s at 9171 Wilshire, Beverly Hills, Calif.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Thanks to you, I hied myself over to LENNY’S the last time I was in L.A., and what a great shop! I tried on a MONKEE shirt, a NESMITH shirt, a TORK knit top (I bought the TORK top) and met MARK LINDSAY and DINO DANELLI, who were shopping there! LENNY said that from now on he has to charge 25ยข (send a coin, not stamps) for his catalog. All who want a copy should send a request and a quarter to Lenny’s Boot Parlor, 1448 Gower, Hollywood, Calif. 90028.

Betty Dewer
Fresno, Calif.

Dear Miss Stavers,

Ive [sic] gone ga-ga over three groovy guys. Where can I write to them? They are FLASH (of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS); TOM LOWELL (star of The Gnome-Mobile), and BRIAN BEDFORD (of Coronet Blue).

Nadine Allen
Greensboro, N.C.

Dear Nadine,

Write to FLASH c/o Mr. Hart, 9126 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.; to TOM c/o Disney Studios, 500 S. Buena Vista, Burbank, Calif.; and to BRIAN c/o CBS-TV, TV City, Hollywood, Calif.

Wow, Miss Stavers!

I just set eyes on perfect PETER FONDA for the very first time, and I don’t think I’ll ever be the same! Tell all—or I shall go stark! Hurry!

Linda Tattu
New York City

Dear Linda,

Hang on, luv—help is on the way! PETER is six feet and two inches tall, has blondish hair and greenish eyes, plays guitar and SINGS, and has a beautiful, deep and loving heart and mind. He’s a rare one. Your taste is excellent. Write to him c/o AIP. 7165 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.

Magazine: 16
Editor: Gloria Stavers
Volume: 9
Issue: 6
Publisher: 16 Magazine, Inc.
Pages: 64–65