(So You’ll Get To Know Him Better Than You Ever Dreamed of!)
He always wears non-matching socks
He came to Los Angeles the summer of 1965
He was born in Washington, D.C.
He is a pretty good amateur photographer
He used to sing songs written by his brother Nick
He used to live with Davy

His nickname has always been “Tork”
He likes singers Frank Ifield and Ray Charles
He worked with the Phoenix Singers as singer, banjoist, guitarist
He was once a bobbin boy in a Connecticut thread mill
He has always loved and been loved by girls
His sock size is 10
He plays cards with Mike on planes
His favorite group in LA is the Buffalo Springfield
He loves to dance
He is classified 1Y by the draft board

He plays guitar, French horn, banjo, recorder, organ, piano
He lived in a three room flat in the Village
He reads magazines a lot
He grew a beard over The Monkees’ last vacation
He doesn’t like questionnaires
He loves to talk
He wears size 9A shoes
He was born February 13, 1944 (Actually 1942)
He likes the Beatles and Lovin’ Spoonful
His father is associate professor of economics at the University of Connecticut

He plays Bach preludes on the organ
He writes stream of consciousness essays
He gets nervous when there’s a lot of visitors on the set
He knows Clancy, the former bass player for the Quick Silver Messenger Service
He was once in a group with Steve Stills of the Buffalo Springfield and John Hopkins
His full real name is Peter Halsten Thorkelson
He wanted to be an English teacher
He was always the first one on stage when he played in the village coffeehouses
He wears ring size 8
He entered show business at the age of 20

He played at the Four Winds and the Cyclops in the Village
He is good friends with Cass Elliot’s sister Lea
He used to be a sideman at the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach, California
He sings solo only on “Auntie Grizelda”
He attended Carlton College in Minnesota
He flunked out of it twice
He was known as one of the friendliest guys in the Village
He is bowlegged
He always wears his belt buckle on the left side

He likes the Association
He is Aquarius
He is five foot 11
He used to sing Phil Ochs songs
He plays organ on their new record
He has two brothers Nick and Christopher and a sister Ann Elizabeth
He once played at the Troubadour in Hollywood
He likes folk music
He prefers to go with one girl at a time

He rarely wears boots, mostly moccasins
He likes red, yellow and orange
His favorite shirt is red, yellow and orange striped velour
He used to sing heavy ballads
His parents are John and Virginia Thorkelson
He weighs 151 pounds
He once wrote a Broadway-type musical with his mother and brother Nick
He frequently gets and sings with the Springfield in clubs
He used to wear holy (holey?) tennis shoes and sweatshirts
He now owns several beautiful sweaters
He once played on the same bill as Muddy Waters
He doesn’t play banjo as well as he used to because he doesn’t have time to practice

He plays bass with The Monkees
He taught Davy to play bass for concerts while he plays organ
He wears size small shirts
He was the only Monkee not to visit England during their vacation