What’s new with your favorites from coast-to-coast!
Don’t be surprised if a future Monkee episode shows DAVY, MICKY, MIKE and PETER sporting mustaches and/or beards and/or goatees! The inspiration came from MICKY DOLENZ, who got it from PAUL McCARTNEY—and all the boys grew hairy faces during their March layoff. The four of them made a mighty effort to prevail upon Screem Gems to let ’em do a bearded episode—“just this once, please!” . . . MIKE NESMITH bought a custom-built Mini when he was in England. That makes five cars in all for him, unless I lost count somewhere along the way . . . By the way, MAMA CASS shared the Nesmiths’ plane trip to London with them on her way to swank London “lying-in” hospital. Congrats, sweet CASSANDRA, on the new addition.

Just before taping Coliseum, WOODY ALLEN surprised MARK LINDSAY by showing him the gorgeous Gee-Gee Golden Galaxy Award he won for being the outstanding young star of 1966. The public presentation, of course, was made on Where The Action Is . . . JOHN LENNON turned out to be just as Victorian as The Establishment types he and the BEATLES have put down since their rugged youth. Seems CYNTHIA got herself a nanny to help her care for the LENNONS’ five-year-old son, JULIAN. As soon as JOHN discovered this, he had the lady fired, explaining that “…it’s a wife’s duty to bring up the children.” But that’s O.K.—he let CYNTHIA hire a cook . . . ROBERT VAUGHN will make a film for MGM called Cry Havoc . . . ELVIS’ latest for Paramount is Easy Come, Easy Go . . . DAVID McCALLUM and his ex-wife, JILL IRELAND got their final divorce decree this past mid-Feb . . . Ex-Action dancer MIKE WILLIAMS is branching out on his own—singing, dancing and acting . . . DENNIS WILSON and his wife CAROL announced the birth of a baby daughter in February . . . DAVY JONES’ buddy, artist NEKO, recently flipped DAVY by giving him an outasite black-and-white oil painting of the late, great W.C. FIELDS . . . NOEL “HEAD” HARRISON, along with the RASCALS, was a super-smash hit in a recent appearance for Honolulu’s radio station KPOI.
Over 50,000 teenage girls will be contestants in 16’s annual Miss 16 of America contest this year (you’ll get the scoop in the September issue). So far, here are the participating TV and radio stations: WKDB-TV, Detroit; WKBS-TV, Philadelphia; The Hy Lit Show, Philadelphia, WKBG-TV, Boston; WAVYTV, Norfolk, Va.; Radio WSOR, Windsor, Conn.; Radio CKXL, Calgary, Can.; WPTV, Ft. Wayne, Ind.; KQTV, Ft. Dodge, Iowa and Radio WAIR, Winston-Salem, N.C.—to name just a few . . . Australian cutie LYNNE RANDELL’s first single on Epic is Ciao Baby and Stranger In My Arms. Get it, cos she’s a groove and her record is a gas The BEATLES signed a nine-year recording contract with Capitol and producer Walter Shenson has announced that he will make Beatles 3 (working title for their new film) when the script is finally readied—and your guess about that is as good as anybody else’s . . . The Daily Flash signed with MCA’s new Uni label . . . The THOMAS GROUP has released their first Dunhill single I’ve Got No More To Say . . . JAN & DEAN, LOU CHRISTIE and the BUCKINGHAMS have signed with Columbia Records . . . The FUGS have signed with Atlantic Records . . . GeeGee recommended LPs this month include Keith Allison’s groovy In Action on Columbia; the Byrds’ Younger Than Yesterday on Columbia; The Left Banke on Mercury (Pretty Ballerina and Walk Away RenĂ©e are on this); Spencer Davis Group—Gimme Some Lovin on United Artists; Eric Andersen’s Bout Changes And Things—Take Two in Vanguard; the Seekers’ Georgy Girl on Capitol; Sonny and Cher’s In Case You’re In Love on Atco and Chuck Berry’s fabulous Golden Decade of hits on Chess.
DENIS PAYTON of the DAVE CLARK 5 married LYN GRIFFITHS in London on February 24 (GLORIA will give you the full story next month) . . . On March 11, GARY LEWIS wed “JINKY” SUZARA at St. Paul’s Church in Westwood, Calif. GARY’s brother RONNIE was best man and JINKY’s sister GEMMA was maid of honor. Stay happy, kids . . . MICK JAGGER’s brother CHRIS has joined a pop singing group that is managed by a school chum named JOHN WILLIS . . . PETER & GORDON have not split up. They will continue to record and do shows together, but GORDON will cut single records on his own and PETER will devote more time to his flourishing book shop in London . . . Didja dig NANCY SINATRA on The Ed Sullivan Show? Wasn’t she wizard?
Later. Say Love.