What’s new with your favorites from coast-to-coast!

THE MONKEES didn’t get to wear their “vacation” beards on their own show, but a couple of them did show up at the Miss Teen International Pageant. MIKE and PETER got “fuzzy” pix taken and then congratulated SALLY FIELD on her TV series for next fall . . . The MONKEES have completed all the tracks for their next album and it will be out by the time you read this. Funniest band is The Zilch, which features no instruments—just crazy talk and singing by everyone who was visiting the studio that night. Guest Zilch-ers include DAVID PEARL and Australian songstress LYNNE RANDELL . . . MICKY DOLENZ’ latest craze is roller skating. GLENN at Lenny’s Boot Parlor (write to them at 1448 Gower, Hollywood, Calif., and get a free catalog of their super-groovy clothes) was bowled over—literally—when MICKY came skating into his favorite store to shop for some wayout threads! . . . DAVY has rented a super house ’way up in the Hollywood Hills (16 will give you the scoop—pix and story—when he moves in) and is now shopping for two Great Dane dogs! . . . Wait’ll you see how short the MONKEES cut their hair for next fall’s TV segments! Well, it’s not all that short, but it sure ain’t as long as it used to be. Incidentally PETER cuts his own hair!
PAUL McC. showed up in Denver just in time to help JANE ASHER celebrate her 21st birthday. Did he know who JANE dated while the Bristol Old Vic Co. played L.A.? Hint: He’s a doll—and only 15 and a half! . . . Speaking of 15-year-olds—DINO MARTIN, JR. just finished his first starring film role. The working title is A Boy A Girl and it is about two teenagers in today’s society trying to be a grown man and woman. LYN FROEMER, also 15, plays the girl . . . When MARK LINDSAY and KEITH ALLISON wrote Freeborn Man (it is on KEITH’s Columbia LP, Keith Allison In Action—which is the end, so walkdon’trun out and get your very own copy now!), MARK would take a turn writing about himself (sample: “I was born in the northwest 20 odd years ago . . . picked walnuts up in Oregon”), and then KEITH would take a turn writing about himself (sample: “Ran away for the first time when I was four years old Pick guitar when I can”). It’s really a groove, so pick up on the rest yourself! . . . HARPO’s first single is called There Is Love (backed with I’m Real) and it is on the Jerden label—so ask for it at your record store! . . . PETER & GORDON did not break up. GORDON did Speak For Me alone and now P&G have released London At Night . . . GARY & HORNETS’ new single is Baby It’s You . . . I dig the EASYBEATS Friday on My Mind.

HERMIT KARL GREEN married his 17-year-old sweetheart JILL DAVIES and (as if that weren’t terrible enough) adorable DENIS PAYTON tied the knot with his long-time steady, LYN GRIFFITHS. Seriously, we all wish all of you the best and happiest ever! . . . Same to GARY LEWIS and his JINKY—married on March 11th . . . JOHN ENTWHISTLE [sic] of the WHO married secretary ALLISON WISE . . . HAYLEY has gotten all grown up for her role in Pretty Polly. Hope the rumor that producer ROY BOLTING divorced his wife to marry HAYLEY is just that—a rumor! . . . GeeGee recommended LPs this month include Paul Revere & Raiders (Featuring Mark Lindsay) Greatest Hits—which includes a gorgeous free color picture brochure and liner notes written by our own Gloria—on Columbia; also on Columbia is The Best Of Bob Dylan and this great album includes a free psyched-out wild DYLAN poster); Blues Magoos Electric Comic Book on Mercury; Aretha Franklin’s I Never Loved A Man The Way I Love You on Atlantic and Mitch Ryder’s Sock It To Me on New Voice.
England’s BEE GEES are the great new THING to watch out for! They may very well take the States by storm. Their first single is The New York Mining Disaster and they are on Atlantic—stay alert! . . . Am also clue-ing you in to ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK on Parrot, BRUTE FORCE on Columbia, PEACHES & HERB on Date, the NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND on Liberty, VINNIE BASILE on Davy Jones Records—and a charming ring-a-ding duo on Reprise called FRANK & NANCY somebodyorother.
By the time you read this, BOB DYLAN will be back with us. At least, if my dreams come true—he will. Meanwhile, do like the SEEDS say and become a “flower child”. Show Love.