By Ann Moses
This has been the grooviest month the MONKEES ever spent… and Lucky Me! I got to spend most of it with them.
Every day they worked I managed to get down to the set and spend a few hours with Davy, Peter, Micky and Mike. And when they flew to San Francisco for a concert, I got to go along! TiGER BEAT photographer Bob Custer went along, too. He’s getting to be the Monkee’s favorite photographer.
Radio Station KFRC in San Francisco sponsored the MONKEE concert. They’re an outasite station and did a great job on the concert. Many thanks to them for the time they showed the MONKEES and Me. (See page 20 for more about this)
Keep following my adventures with these four fantastic boys. I guarantee that each month they’ll keep you entertained and excited… just as they do me.
Info Info Info Davy’s bass was specially made for him by Gretsch guitars. When he first became a Monkee he didn’t know how to play it, but like Micky and his drums, he soon learned. On stage, he plays it on “I’m a Believer.” Info Special guest on the Monkee set this month was the great star, Sammy Davis, Jr. He was filming at Screen Gems and made a point to meet the Monkees. They loved it and now have photos of the meeting in their rooms. Info Mama Cass was another visitor to the set this month. Her sister, Leah, brought her down to meet the guys. She watched the filming and laughed along with the rest of us. Every time there was a break in the filming the boys would rush over to chat with her. Info [Above], the boys meet with several of the candidates for Miss Teenage America. Info Davy may look worried here, but he’s usually the calmest when it comes to shooting. He has several fake accents he uses to crack up the crew when it gets too serious. Info Peter’s favorite shoes are these Indian mocassins [sic]. He wears them even when they film scenes in tuxedos. Also, he always wears different colored socks. Info Info Davy bald? not really! It was just a special make-up job for one of the shows. You can read about Davy’s mail in my column on page 67. Info Info It’s not unusual to find Micky strumming a guitar between scenes. He wrote a song right on the set the other day. Info [Above], notice Peter’s height next to Davy.