“The Chaperone” Pictures (393 pictures)
InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoLeslie Vandenberg (Sherry Alberoni) InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoLeslie Vandenberg (Sherry Alberoni) InfoLeslie Vandenberg (Sherry Alberoni), Davy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoLeslie Vandenberg (Sherry Alberoni) InfoLeslie Vandenberg (Sherry Alberoni), Davy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoLeslie Vandenberg (Sherry Alberoni) InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Peter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Peter Tork Info InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson), Davy Jones InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson), Davy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson), Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson), Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz Info InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones InfoCynthia (Judy Murdock) InfoCynthia (Judy Murdock) InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones Info InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson) InfoMicky Dolenz, Mr. Schneider InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson) InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoGeneral Harley Vandenberg (Arch Johnson) InfoDavy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork, Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones Info Info Info InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz Info InfoPeter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz Info InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMr. Schneider InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork, Davy Jones InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork, Davy Jones InfoPeter Tork, Davy Jones InfoMr. Schneider, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Mr. Schneider, Peter Tork InfoPeter Tork, Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Mr. Schneider InfoPeter Tork, Davy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Mr. Schneider, Davy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork Info InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMr. Babbit (Henry Corden), Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork
Tags (199) Permalink
- Alcohol
- Angry
- Animal
- Answering Door
- Antagonist
- Arm Raised
- Army
- Axe
- Back
- Balloon
- Banana
- Bed
- Below
- Bending
- Bike
- Binoculars
- Bird
- Biting
- Black and White
- Blowing
- Boat
- Book
- Box
- Breaking
- Breaking Fourth Wall
- Butt
- Cake
- Candelabra
- Cast Credits
- Checking Door Peephole
- Choking
- Clapping
- Cleaning
- Climbing
- Clipboard
- Clock
- Close Faces
- Closed Eyes
- Closeup
- Closing Door
- Closing Shot
- Clothes
- Confused
- Couple
- Credits
- Crossed Arms
- Crossed Fingers
- Crowd
- Dancing
- Derp
- Determined
- Director Credits
- Disgusted
- Dog
- Door
- Door in Face
- Dress
- Dustpan
- Eating
- Elephant
- Exiting Door
- Exposed
- Fainted
- Fallen Down
- Falling
- Fan
- Fantasy
- Feeding
- Fish
- Fixing Hair
- Flag
- Flinching
- Flower
- Food
- Food in Face
- Foot
- Freeze Frame
- Fridge
- Frown
- Giraffe
- Girl
- Girlfriend
- Glass
- Goldfish
- Gondola
- Graphic
- Gritted Teeth
- Gun
- Hair Flip
- Hand Behind Back
- Hand in Pocket
- Hand on Chest
- Hand on Face
- Hand on Hip
- Hands Out
- Handshake
- Happy
- Hiding
- Hitting
- Holding Hat
- Juicer
- Jukebox
- Laughing
- Legs
- Looking Down
- Looking Up
- Love Interest
- Lying Down
- Magazine
- Mailbox
- Marbles
- Marching
- Medal
- Monkey
- Motion Blur
- My Fair Lady
- Opening Door
- Opening Shot
- Orange
- Ouch
- Party
- Pencil
- Performing
- Phone
- Piggyback
- Pipe
- Plant
- Plate
- Pointing
- Popcorn
- Poster
- Pretzel
- Profile
- Prop
- Pulling Ear
- Punch Bowl
- Reading
- Relieved
- Removing Hat
- Ring
- Ringing Doorbell
- Romp
- Rope
- Rose
- Running
- Salute
- Scared
- Scuba Diving
- Short
- Shrugging
- Sign
- Singing
- Sitting
- Slapping
- Sliding Down Banister
- Smelling
- Smile
- Smug
- Soft Focus
- Spitting Water
- Sprayed
- Spying
- Squatting
- Squinting
- Standing at Attention
- Sticking Out Tongue
- Stock Footage
- Streamers
- Surfboard
- Surprised
- Swimming
- Swinging
- Talking on Phone
- Tarzan
- Telescope
- Thinking
- Thumbing
- Toasting
- Tongue
- Totem Pole
- Touching
- Toy
- Tree
- Underwater
- Undone
- Unicycle
- Vignette
- Water
- Watering Can
- Wet
- Wheelchair
- Whistling
- Wide
- Wig
- Window
- Winking
- Wiping Face
- Worried
- Writing Credits
People (24) Permalink
- Arch Johnson
- Dark Blonde Extra
- Dark Brunette Extra
- David Pearl
- David Price
- Davy Jones
- Diana Chesney
- Duke Fishman
- Henry Corden
- Jan Freeman
- John London
- Judy Murdock
- June Fairchild
- Light Blonde Extra
- Lynne Marta
- Micky Dolenz
- Mike Nesmith
- Mr. Schneider
- Peter Tork
- Roxanne Albee
- Sherry Alberoni
- Tall Brunette Extra
- Unknown
- Valerie Kairys
Characters (11) Permalink
Instruments (8) Permalink
- 6073 Red Gretsch Bass
- 6076 Blonde 12-String Gretsch Guitar
- 6187 Sunburst Gretsch Guitar
- Drumsticks
- Gold Sparkle Drums
- Maracas
- Microphone
- Tambourine
Songs (3) Permalink
Locations (30) Permalink
- Blue Background
- Cartwright House
- Columbia Ranch Fountain
- Columbia Ranch Grey Square
- Columbia Ranch Hazel House
- Columbia Ranch Park
- Columbia Ranch Park Boulevard
- Columbia Ranch Pool
- Exterior
- Gower Street & Sunset Boulevard
- Interior
- None
- Outside Vandenberg House
- Pool
- Stock Footage
- The Pad
- The Pad Bandstand
- The Pad Closet Door
- The Pad Downstairs Bedroom Door
- The Pad Front Door
- The Pad Kitchen
- The Pad Mysterious Wall
- The Pad Stained Glass Window
- The Pad Staircase
- The Pad Sundeck
- The Pad Upstairs
- The Pad Upstairs Bedroom
- Vandenberg House
- Venice
- Wood Room Set