Oh! all those upsets over Davy’s visit to England last month!!! It was on and off so many times that I began to lose track. In the end, I felt like booking a permanent room in one of the hotels near London Airport to make sure that I was there to welcome him when he finally did arrive.
I’m always terribly embarrassed when I mislead you even a tiny little bit. Our Stop Press page last month reported that Davy was due to arrive on May 3, and this was confirmed when we went to press. But, unfortunately, on the very morning of the day he was supposed to fly in, a telegram arrived stating that his visit had been delayed.
Now you know why we always put “at press time” when we are reporting the Monkees’ comings and goings. Also, it emphasises what I said last month in my “Rumourmongering” feature. The Monkees life is so hectic that it is impossible for them to have a nice, well-ordered private life. Of course, Davy wants to visit England, his dad and Lulu. But, the film must be finished first. If one Monkee decided to take off on a two week holiday, that would mean that the other three boys—not forgetting over a 100 cameramen, make-up men, carpenters, film technicians, plus the director and his assistants—would all be left with nothing to do, but Mickey [sic] was the first to get away as it finally turned out.
Sorry we had to put up the price of your Monkees Magazine, but I have added eight extra pages this month and I promise to do the same for next month to give you more for your money.
Info Above: Micky joins the fans waiting outside the studio gates for a mid-lunch discussion. Info [Above]: Mike pictured at home listening to his favourite blues band music. Info Above: Another amusing incident from the Monkees TV series. Eight Monkees hands in the cement and one puzzled boy. Info [Above]: Mike pictured in the control room of the recording studio listening to a playback of one of the titles from their next L.P.