SAJID KHAN is about to cut his first record. He has chosen a tune called It’s Nice To Be With You (by JERRY GOLDSTEIN). SAJID’s latest snack-crave is tacos—or any other Mexican goodie . . . Handsome Olympic ski champ JEAN-CLAUDE KILLY was awarded his Triple Gold Medal at the Winter Olympics by BRIGITTE BARDOT . . . Meanwhile, back on the snowy slopes (and offering absolutely no competition, but having a whale of a snowball for himself) was DAVY JONES. “Ski, heck!” said DAVY. “I just want to learn how to stand up on ’em!” . . . LEONARD NIMOY just finished a month’s gig playing the “man from outer space” in Visit From A Small Planet at the Pheasant Run Theatre in Chicago.
DUSTIN HOFFMAN and WARREN BEATTY (you do remember sweet Bonnie and Clyde, don’t you?) have signed to do Midnight Cowboy for United Artists. You can write to DUSTIN at U.A., 729 Seventh Avenue, N.Y.C. and to WARREN at 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, Calif. . . . The one and only MAE WEST has been asked to do a movie with CARY GRANT and a movie spec on her own. She’s me all-time favorite!
Shortly after JOHN, CYNTHIA, GEORGE, PATTIE and JENNY (PATTIE’s sis) arrived in India—RINGO, MAUREEN, PAUL and JANE joined them. However, RINGO found life at the ashram a little too severe. Guess he missed MAUREEN’s good old home cooking. Anyway, the STARRS split after two days’ “meditation” . . . Guess who’s about to get drafted?? You would really be surprised if you knew! If Uncle Sam nabs him, hope it doesn’t break up the group . . . Hope you didn’t miss the MERRY-GO-ROUND with DON KNOTTS on Hollywood Palace . . . Still believe that MICHAEL PARKS is destined to be one of the all-time greats! Did you see him in ABC’s Hatful Of Rain? He was superb!
TIM BUCKLEY and BIG BROTHER & THE HOLDING COMPANY opened New York’s Fillmore East early in March. The FE is run by BILL GRAHAM, the same cat who made San Francisco’s Filmore Auditorium so famous . . . You can write to the 1910 FRUITGUM COMPANY c/o Super K at 200 West 57 St., New York City . . . SALLY FIELD had a great old time at the cast party for this season’s final shooting of The Flying Nun. She gave all the cast members sweatshirts with “Happiness is Flying High” printed on them—which she had especially made up . . . Looks like “imitations” are beginning to become the rave. First, the RAIDERS’ Talk Too Much copies the BEATLES’ Paperback Writer, then the BEATLES’ Lady Madonna sounds like a good old FATS DOMINO record! Don’t be angry, me little-luvs—it happens to be true! . . . By the by, the BEATLES plan to open an Apple boutique in Mexico City. (Thanks, LYNNE!) . . CASS’ new steady is a cat named TOM SMOTHERS of the famous BROTHERS, no less. They showed up holding hands at the Grammy Awards. Just for the record, CASS is legally separated from JIM HENDRICKS of CLEAR LIGHT (not to be confused with JIMI HENDRIX of the EXPERIENCE). No, Delia, she ain’t married to DENNY DOHERTY (guess he is saving himself for some special event).
PETER MCENERY is alive and well in France, after recuperating from the accident which hospitalized him in Rome. However, if he keeps driving that new Aston Martin at 120 mph, he may end up in the hospital again! . . . TERRENCE STAMP may consider doing a regular TV series based on Blue, the Western pic he has just finished . . . Filming Oliver has started in London and the movie will be released here sometime late this year. Picked to play the starring role is an adorable nine-year-old, MARK LESTER. Young JACK WILD will play the Artful Dodger—the role DAVY JONES made world-famous when he appeared in Oliver! in London and New York . . . It will soon be super-star time again—when you meet beautiful OLIVIA HUSSEY and LEONARD WHITING, who star in Paramount’s Romeo And Juliet. If you would like to write to either of these lovely new teen stars, their address is c/o Paramount Film Services, 170 Wardour Street, London W.1., England . . . The careers of buddies JAY NORTH and JON PROVOST are going hot and heavy. JAY just did four appearances on Happening ’68 and JON celebrated his 18th birthday on The Woody Woodbury Show.