Now you can have a “private conversation” with Davy in every single issue of 16 Magazine—in his own exclusive department!
Surprise! It’s me, Davy Jones—and beginning with this issue of 16 I will have my own special department here each month! Davy’s Dept. will be like a personal, private “luv” letter from me to you every single month of the year. I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to speak to you heart-to-heart, and I hope you enjoy our “private conversations” as much as I do. By the time you read this, I’ll be returning from my “vacation” in London, Manchester and other places. My buddy David Pearl and I departed on December 21 to spend Christmas with my dad and sisters in Manchester and then do a little traveling.
My life in Hollywood is full of exciting events too. My latest craze is playing “flag” football. Each player has a flag or a handkerchief tied to his belt and if you touch the “flag” of the player carrying the ball, he has to stop where he is. Both teams are composed of Screen Gems’ actors, producers, directors and other personnel. We play at Hazeltien Park in the San Fernando Valley every Sunday afternoon.
If I don’t go to Palm Springs, my Saturdays are spent playing golf. I love, love, love golf! It’s fascinating and relaxing—even though I am not very good at it yet.
Home sweet home Permalink
I decided not to move from my house in the Hollywood Hills, so say goodbye to my idea of a ranch in Malibu! I really do like my present home, so I am not upset a bit about not moving. In fact, I am very happy. My garage—which used to be full of mail—has been cleared out and I have made my own personal recording studio, where I can sing, play and then listen to my own playbacks.
The interior of the house, by the way, is being completely redecorated—by me. The main color I am using is my favorite color—which is blue. I guess you could call the furniture style a combination of Olde English and Modern Comfortable!
I have a brand new friend living with me. Don’t get nervous—it’s just “Susie”, my new German shepherd pup. “Susie”, the gift of a fan, is black and is about five months old. “Susie” is a he, but I named him “Susie” in memory of my first dog—the one which was stolen. In my garage these days, you will find a brand new Honda car. Yes, it is made by the very same people who make Honda motorbikes. It is British racing green, has its own hi-fi stereo inside—and it’s a “gem”.
Crrash!! Permalink
All is not peaceful at chez Jones, however. Recently, some girls broke into the garage and, for some unknown reason, released the brake on my Cadillac. The Cadillac rolled down the cement drive and crashed into a pole! The front was dented and all the windows were broken.
As a result of this incident, I am forced to build an electric fence around my property and to install electric gates with a speaker box on them—so that I can find out, in advance, who is entering the grounds. What a drag!
Remember all that mail in my garage I mentioned a moment ago? Well, don’t worry, it hasn’t been thrown away. It is all being safely kept at my new office—and let me assure you, every single letter will be personally answered by me. All I ask is that you please be patient.
Zilch catalog & fan club Permalink
I know that many of you ordered your Zilch catalog quite a while ago—and I hope that you have received yours by now. But if you haven’t, be patient about that too. I got so carried away in making the catalog that it was my own fault that it got delayed. All of you who sent in a quarter will get your catalog. All of you who didn’t, and who would like to get a catalog, now have to send 50 cents. But hold for a min! You 50 cent-ers will not only get a Zilch catalog, but you will also get a very groovy, special deluxe all-color photographic thingy-surprise! It’s too incredible to describe. Just take my word—it’s a gas! Anyway, if you want a Zilch catalog and a thingy-surprise, send 50 cents to Zilch Catalog, 9538 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, Calif.
For those of you who are—and I hope some of you are—my staunch supporters and friends, I have decided to open my very own fan club. This club is under my own supervision, and I can assure you that there’s nothing like it in the whole wide world. When you join, you get an assortment of exclusive Davy Jones pictures and autographs, a full bio on me, a membership card and wallet photo—plus regular newsletters, of course. But that’s not all! I have created something just for you which I really believe will knock you out. It is something personally concerned with me and from me, and you can’t get anything like it anywhere—except through my own fan club! So, if you’d like to join the Davy Jones Official Fan Club, send $2 to this address: 9358 Brighton Way, Beverly Hills, Calif., and you will get your kit—along with my “creation” pronto!
S’all for now, me darlin’s. See you right here in the next issue of 16 Magazine. It’s the April issue and it goes on sale February 20th. Dont be late—I’ll be waiting for you!