Is Davy Jones in love with Sally Field? Are they going steady? Are they really serious? Questions just like these have been pouring in from Davy Jones’ and Sally Field’s fans all over the country. Now is the time to answer them and tell it like it is!
Star hang-ups Permalink

Both Sally and Davy are particular about whom they date. Pop and TV stars are always in such an awkward position, by being put on a pedestal even when they’re not working, that they must keep up their guard to find true friends.
Sally has said, “I rarely date boys I meet in the business because so often they’re put on and you can’t really talk to them. It’s like talking to a cartoon because they’re not real people.”
Sally feels the most important qualities in the boys she chooses to date are sincerity and a good sense of humor. This is one of the things Sally first noticed about Davy.
Share their humor Permalink

“I first met Davy when he crowned the winner of the Miss Teen International Pageant at the Hollywood Palladium. But that night I only got to talk to him for a few minutes. Then the Monkees left on tour and they were gone all summer.
“When I saw Davy at the studio I thought he was so neat. What’s great is that when we got talking, I found we had the same sense of humor. We laugh all the time and just goof around.”
Davy, too, is attracted by many things. In Sally’s case it wasn’t only her great looks, but her always bubbly personality. Davy is rarely in a bad mood, and the girls he chooses to date are always tops in personality.
No set dates Permalink

Davy thinks Sally is a very groovy girl, the kind he likes to share his most fun evenings with. One thing they definitely agree on is that planning dates in advance is out. Davy likes to take a girl out when he feels like being with her. Sally says, “I love to do things on the spur of the moment. If I have a date all planned I just get nervous for hours before and worry about what I’m going to wear. I love it when a guy calls up and says, ‘Hey, how about doing something tonight.’”
When Davy takes out Sally, they most often go out to dinner at some of the great restaurants down at the beach, where Sally lives. Afterwards they may listen to albums at Sally’s or go for a walk along the warm sand.
Zilch opening Permalink

When Davy opened his store “Zilch” in New York, Sally was one of the friends he invited to go along. For the opening, she was not his date, but one of the many close friends he brought from the west coast to meet his New York friends. Sally flew home the day after the opening, while Davy stayed in New York to put some finishing touches on the store.
Even though they have been dating regularly for several months, both have been dating others as well. Sally often sees her friend, Steve Craig, whom she has dated since high school. He is a student at USC. Davy occasionally dates Deana Martin and countless other girls you don’t read about because they are not famous.
Not going steady Permalink
The most important thing that Davy and Sally have in common is that they love talking with and getting to know people. For this reason, neither one is ready to be tied down in either marriage or with a steady date.
We hope that Davy and Sally may each have a chance to keep their dates and friendships as private as they like and enjoy the time when they are young to its fullest.