your “day-trip” with davy!
Info It turned out to be a fun day, the day we spent in Nashville with Davy. First, he took us shopping as he looked for antiques for his groovy Hollywood apartment. And, then, we all went to a farm outside of Nashville for a picnic in the country. In this pic, Davy’s got the look of a guy who’s just found exactly what he was looking for! (Keep an eye on that l’il fella on Davy’s right. You’ll be seeing him again!). Info “How am I ever going to make up my mind?” Davy seems to be saying. He couldn’t buy everything, of course. But he had a wonderful time making up his mind and deciding which unusual antiques were going to make the trip home with him. Info Looks like something has caught Davy’s eye… Info And here it is: An old, old rural mailbox! Info Here we go again! But it’s easier this time, because most of the things Davy is looking at, he’s kind of decided he wants to buy. Info Outside the shop again, Davy gives everything a final onceover, making sure that he hasn’t missed anything he might want. With the eagle eye of an ex-jockey, Davy gives the well-worn saddle a careful inspection. Info Waiting at the curb to cram everything into his rented car, Davy shows off some of the groovy, wayout antiques which he bought! Remember that l’il fella you met at the beginning of your shopping spree with Davy? Well, here he is again! One of the lucky objects that Davy selected for the Jones House! Info After the shopping, Davy and some of the other Monkee staff headed out of Nashville for a picnic on a nearby farm. The weather was perfect, there was lots of food, and even though they couldn’t go rifle shooting, as they’d planned, everybody had a happy time on the farm. Info In between bites of his picnic sandwich, Davy finds time to look into FLIP’s camera. And that ends your day with Davy. Hope you had as good a time as we did!