Davy was 14 ½ years old when he left home in Manchester, England.
Davy was first turned down for the role of the Artful Dodger in Oliver because he didn’t have a Cockney accent.
Davy’s first, full-time professional part in a play was in Peter Pan.
Davy played Oliver for two and a half years on Broadway.
The first time Davy ever stayed in a hotel was in Toronto, Canada.
One of Davy’s earliest and best friends in New York was Jim Downey.
His first love was in New York—one of the Baker twins.

Davy’s first recording contract was for Colpix, now Colgems.
His first song that sold big was “What Are We Going To Do?”
Davy’s big chance was playing Pickwick in Los Angeles.
His part as “Sam Weller” lasted three months.
Screen Gems offered him his first contract for $300,000 for seven years.
In one TV guest spot on Ben Casey, Davy played a glue-sniffing husband.
Davy almost turned down the part in the Monkees because he thought he was too short.
When Davy arrived in Los Angeles, he first lived on Ivar (in Hollywood) with his manager, Ward Sylvester.

Instead of the Monkees, Davy, almost played the part of a leprechaun in a TV series.
When Davy started with the Monkees he had never played a musical instrument.
Davy’s favorite type of music is Broadway musical-type tunes.
One of his favorite singers is Anthony Newley.
Davy was once in love with an usherette at the Music Center in Los Angeles where he played in Pickwick.
Right now Davy’s favorite type girl is the one who doesn’t intend to get serious.
Davy prefers going out with a group of people rather than just two.
Two of Davy’s closest friends are Steve Pitts and Charlie Rockett.

As a Capricorn, Davy is truly a hard worker and desires great success.
Davy can’t usually go out in public without being mobbed.
One of his favorite means of transportation is a motorcycle.
He rides it to work almost every day.
Waking up time for Davy is usually about 6:00 a.m. on weekdays.
Almost every morning, Davy has to be on the set between 7 and 7:15 a.m.
Lunch time Davy can often be seen at the Copper Skillet coffee shop.
Davy usually eats lunch with friends visiting him on the set.
He often decides whether he’ll have a date or not late the same afternoon.

One of Davy’s favorite actresses is Ursula Andress.
His favorite color is blue.
Davy thinks the Beatles are outasite.
His three sisters are named Lynda, Hazel, and Beryl.
One of Davy’s favorite memories is his vacation in Jamaica.
Davy lists fish and chips among his very favorite foods.
Clothes-wise Davy digs Indian-mod styles and turtleneck sweaters.
One of his favorite sports is still horseback riding.
Davy’s nickname used to be Jonah.
Davy’s house in Hollywood has a beautiful view of all Los Angeles.
His front room is done primarily in his favorite color of blue.
When he has time, Davy loves to cook.
Davy loves to give gifts to his family and friends.

According to his horoscope some of Davy’s most outstanding traits are: he’s generous, warm-hearted, sympathetic, courteous, amiable, kind.
Also it shows that Davy has a fantastic personal magnetism.
Davy loves animals.
One of his fondest dreams is to own a large thoroughbred stud farm of his own some day.
Davy’s sweater size is small.