Linda Joyce knew Davy when he lived in New York and was starring on Broadway in “Oliver!” They often saw one another, and Linda kept a diary of all these events. Now that Davy is one of the world’s greatest super-stars, these early happenings take on a very special and important meaning. In this issue and in future issues of FLIP, Linda will share them with you.
I’d like to pick up where I left off last month, jotting down thoughts and memories of David’s early days in New York. They were exciting days full of discovery and delight for him, days he still recalls with fondness now that he’s a super-star. One of the nicest things about those days is that most of us who spent any time with David knew that he was going to become a super-star. That it was just a matter of time.
Anyhow, you probably know most of the things that have happened to David since he became a Monkee. It’s the early less famous period of his life that contains so many secrets that haven’t yet been made public. Since I was a small part of that period, I’d like to continue my Diary of Davy Jones’ Early Days…

His favorite singers then were Brenda Lee and Bobby Rydell.
Blue was his favorite color.
Fish and chips tied with crabmeat as his favorite food.
Throwing autograph books up to Davy’s dressing room was dangerous because he’d throw them back!
David didn’t like to go into the matter of his religion. He happens to be a member of the Church of England. So, when he would be persistently questioned about his religion, he’d answer that he was a Buddhist.
He took dancing lessons while he lived in New York.
He thought the New York (Broadway) stage was much better than London’s theatre.
He became a pretty good bowler.
David lived in a town house on West 46th Street and his phone number was… someone else probably has the number now and it would be unfair to list it… but, anyhow, his phone number had three sevens in it.

Some of his favorite places to eat included The Paramount, The Open Kitchen and Downey’s. They’d probably be groovy places to watch the next time The Monkees (or Davy) get to New York again.
David was one of the stars on the softball team which represented “Oliver!” in the show business softball league which played in New York’s Central Park.
He hated to wear ties. (Almost wore nothing but striped, open-necked shirts).
David’s favorite drink was milk.
During the intermission of “Oliver,” he used to race cars backstage with the other members of the cast.
No one ever called David “Davy” then. If you did, he’d remind you that his name was DAVID. If you had to call him Davy, then remember it was D-a-v-E-y! It’s changed, of course, since then. But, at the time, he’d practically ignore you if you didn’t call him DAVID!
Here we go again! I’ve got lots more to tell you, but no more space. So, I guess it will have to wait until next month’s issue of FLIP! See you then!