Flying Monkee Permalink
Micky has been very busy recently putting together the helicopter that he bought a few weeks ago. It’s a Gyrocopter, exactly the same as the one-man helicopter that James Bond used in “You only Live Twice”, and he’s assembling it in the living room of his home.
Any day now, the other residents of Laurel Canyon are expecting to see a flying Monkee zooming around the hills.
Peter moving soon Permalink
As all of you know very well, Peter has never been particularly interested in material things. He is much more concerned with people and his music and has lived in the same house, a couple of miles from the studios, ever since the Monkees hit the headlines. But, finally, he’s accepted that he must move to a bigger house otherwise all his instruments, recording equipment and so on, will overflow into the street. So right now he’s looking around for a larger place.
House and ranch for Davy Permalink
Davy has just bought a small English type house in the Hollywood hills, near Sunset Boulevard.
It’s a two storey building with two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs and a living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and study downstairs.
Davy tells us that there’s a fabulous view right across Los Angeles from any of the windows on one side of the house.
New single delayed Permalink

When the master tape of the new Monkees single did not arrive in this country in time for its reported release on October 13, frantic telephone calls and cables revealed that the Monkees had still not given the O.K. to both sides of their new record.
They did finally agree the titles on October 24 and Screen Gems in this country received a cable from America confirming that the titles would be “Daydream Believer” and “Going Down”. A release date was immediately fixed for mid-November.