Elvis Presley’s wedding gift to his lovely bride Priscilla will be a new home any place in the world she wants it! She’s thinking about a fabulous estate in Palm Springs, Calif.—price tag $1,000,000.

Look for The Flying Nun to be the most sensational new TV show of next season. And speaking of nuns, the cutie with the big grin on this page is actually Woburn Collegiate Institute student Julie Anderson, enjoying herself just before she went on stage as one of the nuns in the school’s production of The Sound Of Music . . . Tommy Norden, formerly of Flipper, will be doing personal appearances this summer at resorts all over America. Next fall he enters Power Memorial Academy in New York City . . . Davy Jones’ latest craze is weight-lifting—and his brand-new Hollywood Hills home has a small gymnasium in it.
After their split, the Walker Brothers made the following announcement: Scott will go solo, Gary will form a new group and John has teamed up with two swinging singing sisters, Sunny and Sue. All three boys will continue to operate out of England . . . Dig Keith’s adorable new haircut. His real name is James Barry Keefer and his back-up group is called the Wild Kingdom.
Pick for stardom: Scott McKenzie, whose first single San Francisco—Wear Flowers was A&R’d by Papa John Phillips. Write to Scott in care of Ron Tepper, 8961 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles Calif . . . Also pick the Cryan’ Shames on Columbia (their LP is called Sugar & Spice), and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Every Mothers’ Son—pictured here with three of their mothers.