The never-before-told stories about your favorites from the gal who PERSONALLY knows them all—ANN MOSES
MONKEE MADNESS: Have you ever wondered how the MONKEES get ideas for their songs? Especially one like “Zilch” on their fantastic third album? Well, the MONKEES were on tour and in their hotel they kept hearing over the loud speakers “a call for Mr. Dovalina, Mr. Bob Dovalina…” In one of their zanier moods, they started repeating it over and over to a beat… “Mr. Dovalina, Mr. Bob Dovalina…” and the phrase eventually would [sic] up in the song.
One of my favorite cuts from the album is “For Pete’s Sake” written by PETER and his house mate and composer JOEY RICHARDSON. The theme of the song is so beautiful and so true!
You’ll miss MIKE in one of next season’s shows, because he was sick one week in May and missed the filming. After he recovered, the doctor ordered him into the hospital where they snatched out his tonsils. The boys were forced to miss their San Jose concert and were terribly disappointed.
RAIDER RAVINGS: MARK has moved from the house he shared with TERRY MELCHER into a temporary home in the hills. For three months MARK will enjoy his big pool and tennis courts before he moves into a house he’s buying in Beverly Hills.
Did you notice the fab replica of the RAIDER band on the left? A loyal fan from Chicago made it as an art project, then mailed it on to UNCLE PAUL. PAUL was so impressed with it he has it sitting on the mantle in his dining room!
If you missed FREDDIE WELLER on the Ed Sullivan Show, then flip to the front pages of this issue. He’s a darling boy from Atlanta, Georgia with an accent you just can’t help loving.
THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND got back from their first cross-country tour this month and told me about a funny incident in St. Louis. They were playing the old tune “I Wish I Could Shimy Like My Sister Kate” when some 70 elderly ladies mobbed them. We now have the addition of the “Granny Bopper” to the scene.
Keep your eyes and ears open to the groovy sights and sounds of the new solo artist, SANDY SALISBURY. He writes almost all his own songs; and sings them so beautifully you can’t stop smiling. He’s from Hawaii; and many of his songs relate the good vibes he feels almost always!
DO YOU SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH A STAR? 365 days older this month are BOBBY HATFIELD, the 10th; DENIS PAYTON, the 11th; LEE MAJORS and DRAKE LEVIN, the 17th.
Word on the West Coast has it that the VAGRANTS are the grooviest happening on the New York scene. There’s JERRY, the intellectual; ROGER, the one that needs looking after; LESLIE, the oldest and frankest member; LARRY, LESLIE’s brother and group clown; and PETER, who sings and plays harmonica and wild tamborine [sic]. All together they make one of the hardest and most outasite sounds around!
After “Action” went off the air I missed seeing TINA MASON, but she’s back now with an outasite single “Are You There?” and it looks like a sure hit!
DAVE CLARK was in Hollywood for two weeks in May having a restful vacation before his June-July tours. Some of the acts he caught while in town were MARTHA AND THE VANDELLAS, LITTLE RICHARD, the DOORS and the BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD.
Just before he joined DON & THE GOODTIMES, I caught JOEY NEWMAN with his former group, MERRILEE AND THE TURNABOUTS. They’re a fantastic group from the Pacific Northwest (where else?) and MERRILEE is the best female entertainer I’ve seen with a group. It won’t be long before they’re tops nationally.
It was really a drag that THE STANDELLS fine record “Try It” was banned across the States by the straight-laced record banners (whoever they might be), but the flip side “Poor Shell Of a Man”, penned by DICKIE DODD, made its way to many of the pop charts.
In light of the banning, THE STANDELLS answered phones at radio station KBLA to see just how the public felt about their record. As it turned out, many of the calls came from older people who thought it was ridiculous that such a groovy song was banned!
A fantastic addition to the MONKEES Canadian concerts was LYNNE RANDELL. That Australian miss is becoming good friends with all the MONKEES; and from what they say, she was a complete knock out on the show.
LEE MALLORY, formerly a solo artist has teamed up with several outasite musicians to form a new group called the MELLENNIUM.
Pick up Canadian star TERRY BLACK’s latest single called “Wishin’ Star”, a groovy tune penned by SANDY SALISBURY.
People pictured on the new BEATLE album include Diana Dors, Karl Marx, Shirley Temple, Lawrence of Arabia, Bob Dylan, and Stuart Sutcliffe the former member of the BEATLES who died in hamburg.
SHORTIES: I caught DAVY JONES wearing Indian beads on the set the other day. They really looked groovy!
TIM MORGAN, the folk singer who successfully changed to a folk rocker spent a great week at the Glendale Ice House where he introduced his new single “House Built On Sand” backed with “You’ll Be Sorry”.
BRIAN JONES’ former girl friend ANITA PALLENBERG is now dating KEITH RICHARD.
CASS ELLIOT named her baby girl OWEN.
THE WALKER BROTHERS split in May to venture into solo careers, Definitely, there were no bad feelings among them.
CHARLIE COE, the new RAIDER, bought a Cadillac El Dorado.
Correction: SMITTY’S son RORY is three years old, not four.
KURT RUSSELL’s bedroom is an outasite polynesian scene, complete with surfboards overhead and fishnets with hanging shells.
A gassy album titled “BOBBY JAMESON, Color Him In” is out now and offers some fantastic listening. I’d love to see “Jamie” made into a single, because it’s a stirring song showing BOBBY at his best.
REMEMBER: A hippie isn’t a hippie unless he’s happy.