We’ve got gossip, gab, and exclusive info on all of your favorite singers and stars. And you won’t want to miss one single syllable!!!!
SEVERAL people… like very, very rich ones, luvs, wanted to name the new Coliseum in Memphis, Tenn. after one of its leading citizens—none other than ELVIS PRESLEY. But their idea was turned down. Sorry about that! . . . Those wedding bells have certainly been ringing lately . . . CONNIE FRANCIS and MICHAEL CAPENEGRO tied the knot . . . ditto for MARTIN WEST (BATMAN’s brother) and CAROL HELLER!
HERMAN’s already started filming for his second picture, “Mrs. Brown, You’ve Got A…” P.J. PROBY may hold the record for the shortest marriage in pop history—one week! The big day took place last November 6 and the marriage was annulled one week later. His comment . . . “One week with P.J. is all they can take.”
SPECIAL SCOOP: Remember all the yelling and screaming that went on throughout DONOVAN’s “Mellow Yellow?” Well, a good bit of it was done by PAUL McCARTNEY, who’d gone to watch the disc session! If you have the record, listen to it very closely . . . you may be able to make out Paul’s voice!
THE ROLLING STONES have saved up all the money (a lot of it, anyhow) they’ve made on the “ED SULLIVAN Show” and bought themselves a gold Rolls Royce! You can be sure they don’t gather any moss in a chariot like that” . . . BOBBY HEBB, whose self-composed hit, “Sunny,” is on the Philips label, married Constance P. Vail, a registered nurse in New York City. The newlyweds will live in an apartment on the upper East Side of Manhattan . . .
Because of all the nightclub and television appearances she has, PETULA CLARK is renting her home in Switzerland and moving to Hollywood with her husband and two daughters . . . VINCE EDWARDS is known as one of the biggest gamblers in the world of show business! . . . Know what GEOFF STEVENS, of THE NEW VAUDEVILLE BAND, did before becoming a pop rock ’n roller? Would you believe he was a school teacher in London’s South End? Honest! . . . NANCY SINATRA and photographer RON JOY are still a romantic item in Hollywood. Nancy and Ron really dig dating with her popa FRANK and “stepmother” MIA . . . What’s with those romance rumors about LANA WOOD and actor MAXIMILIAN SCHELL?
SPECIAL SCOOP: It’s been baby-time in three BEACH BOY homes. DENNIS WILSON’s wife Carol recently gave birth to a daughter named Jennifer Beth . . . AL JARDINE and wife Linda have a son called Matthew . . . MIKE and Suzanne LOVE have a new daughter named Heyleigh Caine . . . Congrats to one and all . . .
Since TOM JONES had all that tonsil trouble awhile back, he’s been on a steady diet of cigars and champagne! The reason—he had to cut out cigarettes and beer (two of his fav things) so he just switched over to two substitutes! . . . Don’t invite DOROTHY MALONE and LEIGH TAYLOR-YOUNG (both of “Peyton Place”) to the same party . . . ANN-MARGRET and JULIE ANDREWS belong on the same list, too . . .

JOHNNY RIVERS will be making his third trip to Viet Nam to entertain our soldiers over there. This groovy singer makes these trips at his own expense—and he even pays his musicians—just to bring joy into the lives of the guys who are keeping the world free. Johnny, we at TW salute you! . . . There’s no truth to the stories that TV’s “Time Tunnel” stars JAMES DARREN and ROBERT COLBERT aren’t friends behind camera. They couldn’t be better buddies! . . .
SPECIAL SCOOP: Rumors are running wild in MONKEE-land! The talk is that PETER TORK is getting kind-of foggy-eyed over a gal named Jane Barton! As of this writing, no comment from “Tork!”
Speaking of romance, we hear that the one between PAUL McCARTNEY and long-time gal pal JANE ASHER is finally over! Paul and lovely SANDRA GILES burn up the telephone wires with their romantic calls between Hollywood and London! . . . And it really looks romantic for RON ELY (TV’s Tarzan) and JILL DONAHUE. They met when she was a guest on his show . . . and now word has it that he’s arranged for her to appear often—and not only on the show!
Even though DEBORAH WALLEY and JOHN ASHLEY dine together in Hollywood very often, they deny any reconciliation and say they’re proceeding with their divorce plans! . . . RICK NELSON’s wife KRIS is having a lot of success with her primitive paintings, one of which is being presented to JACKIE KENNEDY . . . BOBBY VINTON signed a Paramount Pictures film contract in the midst of his college concerts . . .
DARBY HINTON, who appears as FESS PARKER’s son in the “Daniel Boon” series, began saving his pennies recently. To acquire various dates, he has his mother trade penny rolls at the supermarket. Recently a market manager handed her a roll of rare 1943 World War II zinc pennies in mint condition. Worth—$60.00!
Turn the page for more—hurry!
The word around London town is that the romance between HAYLEY MILLS and producer ROY BOLTING will end in wedding bells! And further word has it that Hayley’s popa, JOHN MILLS, doesn’t dig the idea! Roy, who’s 54 years old, has four children and is in the process of getting a divorce . . . BURT WARD’s new wife, KATHY KERSH, helps him pick out all of his new clothes . . . MOLLY BEE and JIM PIKE of THE LETTERMEN are elopement bait . . . PEGGY LENNON, one of THE LENNON SISTERS, suffered a broken hand and internal injuries in an auto accident. She was fine again after a few weeks’ rest . . .
SPECIAL SCOOP: HERMAN has been putting on a bit of weight lately—and is going on a diet!
Hear talk that THE BEATLEs’ own JOHN LENNON is lending his name to organizations and appearing at rallies condemning the United States intervention in Viet Nam! I hope this isn’t true, but my spy isn’t usually wrong . . . PETER FONDA and his wife Susan had a son last July, but the child still hasn’t been given a name. They call him “Father,” just in case they decide to name him after Peter’s dad, HENRY FONDA. Though the boy’s almost a year old, nothing definite’s been decided!
SPECIAL SCOOP: FRANK SINATRA sent a mongoose to his nightclub pal JILLY, who’s using it as a watchdog at his New York bistro. The problem is to find live snakes, the mongoose’s favorite delicacy!
VAN WILLIAMS, who plays “The Hornet,” has a life-sized autographed picture of ADAM “Batman” WEST in the guest bathroom of his home in Hollywood! . . . And would you believe? BARBARA FELDON is still taking acting lessons—even though she’s starring with DON ADAMS for the second year! Honest, chief . . . ROBERT VAUGHN hired agents (not the secret kind) to arrange a tour of European Colleges for him during his summer vacation from “U.N.C.L.E.” Robert wants to lecture on political science . . .

LITTLE-known love-life lowdown: KARL GREEN of HERMAN’S HERMITS is engaged . . . MITCH RYDER is married! In fact, he and his wife have a lovely daughter named Dawn, who looks just like her daddy! . . . Singer TOMMY ROE is divorced. His young daughter lives with his parents in Atlanta, Ga. . . . LONDON (because he was born there) LEE actually claims he has a sister named Big Ben!!
SPECIAL SCOOP: MONKEE MIKE NESMITH either designs all his own clothes—and his wife’s, as well—or buys them from Army surplus clothing shops!
Why must there always be a group in the middle of split-up rumors? Now it’s THE RAIDERS’ in the spotlight—with all kinds of talk of discontent! The Raiders aren’t the ones talking, though! . . . DUSTY SPRINGFIELD ran down a 60-year-old woman with her car on a London street not long ago. The woman will be fine after a long rest and medical care. But Dusty has a $1,000,000 lawsuit on her hands, because the songstress admitted she couldn’t see through the very large, extra-thick sunglasses she was wearing!
BRIAN KELLY, star of “Flipper,” bought an 85-foot yacht for $125,000. It was made for an unidentified foreign dignitary in 1932, and has hidden passages between the walls, sliding panels which connect to an invisible stateroom in the dead center of the ship. The seller refuses to divulge the identity of the mysterious previous owner!
SPECIAL SCOOP: Another DAVE CLARK FIVER has bit the marriage dust! DENIS PAYTON married secretary Lyn Griffiths in a small ceremony at Epping Forest, in England. DAVE CLARK served as best man. The only other group member present was MIKE SMITH.
The next SONNY AND CHER movie will be shot on location in Paris, Hollywood, San Remo and Cannes! By the way, the pear-shaped diamond Sonny gifted Cher with (for no reason at all) is the most gorgeous thing you can imagine! . . . BYRD CHRIS HILLMAN’s house in the Hollywood Hills burned right down to the ground about a month ago! Chris lost everything but the cinders that were left! . . . CILLA BLACK has her first acting role in “Work is a Four-Letter Word,” being filmed this very minute! And she loves it!
Good listening is yours with these LP’s . . . “There’s A Kind of Hush All Over The World” by HERMAN’S HERMITS on MGM, RED SIMPSON’s “Truck Driving Fool” on Capitol, THE CRITTERS sing “The Younger Girl” on Kapp, “You’re A Big Boy Now” by THE LOVIN’ SPOONFUL on Kama Sutra, FRANCOISE HARDY’s “Je Vous Aime” on 4 Corners, and “The Hit Sounds Of The Everly Brothers”, by THE EVERLY BROTHERS, on Warner Brothers . . .
Till next time!