By Ann Moses
Dear TiGER BEAT Readers,
There is one very important point I want to cover this month that has me very upset! That is—I want to tell each of you again that the Monkees DO play their own instruments and play them well!
I attend many of their recording sessions and I watch them record the backing (music) and the vocal tracks, which I think are outstanding.
I received a letter from a young lady who believes the Monkees have musicians behind a curtain at their concerts and that the Monkees are only lip-syncing to the songs. Actually, that would be 10 times harder than playing live, which is what they do.
I’ve never seen a more thrilling concert than the Monkees put on and it surprises me that more fans who’ve seen their fantastic stage show haven’t backed them up on this. Let us hear from you!
Love, Ann
Info Cool and calm is Micky’s manner most of the time. He certainly looks the part here, doesn’t he? Info Team shots are the ones the Monkees like best. Info [Above], the Monkees had a party with the cast from the show. The young girls were used in a scene for one show. How lucky can a 12-year-old be! Info This is one of my very favorite photos of Davy. On this day the Monkees were visited by the March of Dimes poster boy. He played with all the Monkees. He’s a beautiful child! Info Mike’s Texas accent really sounds groovy over the phone. Not long ago all the guys had private phones installed in their dressing rooms. Info A real boxer, Davy once fought at Newmarket in the lightweight class. Info [Above], set hairdresser, Sally Berkeley, prepares Davy for a scene. Isn’t his robe groovy? Info At last you can see the entire Monkee crew. They all got together for a party when the first season’s filming ended in February. They are together now filming the second season. Info [Above], a young actress has found a lovely chair—Micky’s lap. All the Monkees love children and young people. Info It’s the times when the Monkees sit down together to work out a scene that the funniest bits come up. They all dress individually on the screen and it’s the same off the screen—they’re all individuals. Info Info Info [Above], Micky talks with the March of Dimes poster boy. He knows how much this means, because Mick spent two years of his life on crutches.