The never-before-told stories about your favorites from the gal who PERSONALLY knows them all—ANN MOSES

MONKEE MADNESS: The day before the MONKEES left for three week vacations, the cast and crew celebrated the final day of shooting for this season. When the boys returned at the end of February, they began filming the second season, since their movie script had not been finalized.
“Around the world with the MONKEES” could be the title of a book about the MONKEE vacations. MICKY left from New York for London and half the Scandanavian countries. MIKE and his wife, PHYLLIS, flew straight to England to play tourist with no publicity.
PETER hid out in Greenwich Village the whole time visiting old friends from his “poorer” days. DAVY started in New York, traveled to the Bahamas, Jamaica and wound up his holiday in London, Manchester and Yorkshire (where the riding stables are).
RAIDER RAVINGS: THE RAIDERS returned from filming “Coliseum” in New York and had loads of stories to tell. I met with them at the “Hullabaloo Club” where they were rehearsing the new songs for their stage show like “Ups and Downs,” MARK’S “To Be A Man” and FANG’S “In My Community.
It must have been the meeting of the year when THE RAIDERS met THE MONKEES in New York. DAVY and MICKY were there at the start of their vacations. HARPO told me he and MICK spent a great day shopping in the Village.
FANG just added a member to his household—and a female yet! Only it’s in the form of a jet-black German shepherd puppy named CLEO. “She’s really going to get huge!” he said, looking a bit frightened. But it was easy to tell he was very excited.
SMITTY had a ball the other day putting on the “old folks” in his usual insane way. He dressed in some very funky clothes and his favorite “freak” glasses and walked into his friendly, neighborhood Cadillac dealer; then paid cash for a new Caddy! “It really blew their minds,” he laughed, “they didn’t know what to say!”
I was informed by PAUL that the next RAIDER tour would be the greatest ever. One act definitely booked on the 40-day tour is the darling, dynamic group THE CLINGERS, four teenage sisters who are the prettiest rock ’n’ rollers around. The RAIDERS plan to have a real package featuring skits throughout the show, special lighting effects and a longer set of RAIDER hits!
DO YOU SHARE A BIRTHDAY WITH A STAR? Those who grow a year older this May are: ERIC BURDON, the 11th; TOMMY ROE, the 9th; KEITH, the 17th; and DEREK LECKENBY, the 14th.
The world finally heard from the BEATLES via “Penny Lane” and “Strawberry Fields,” two beautiful songs. “Penny Lane” was mainly the inspiration of PAUL and is the name of a street in Liverpool near which all of the BEATLES and BRIAN EPSTEIN once lived.
Would you believe it? Local radio stations in Los Angeles refused to play the KNACK’S groovy record “I’m Aware” because they got “too many” requests and thought kids were being paid to call in. In truth, the KNACK have such a large fan following (over 4000 in LA area alone) they all just wanted to hear the record. So, when the stations wouldn’t play it, all they could do was go out and buy the disc, which wasn’t so bad after all!
To introduce the single, THE KNACK held one of the most impressive press receptions ever staged in our town. DAVID McCALLUM was there signing autographs for the high school editors also invited and then he introduced the outstanding group. They performed a whole live show for the press, which was, as usual, just great.
LEE MALLORY has a new single out that is as groovy as his on-stage performances. It’s called “Take My Hand” and was written by LEE, He introduced it at a huge fan club gathering at the “Glendale Ice House” where he hosted some 2000 fan club members during one Sunday afternoon.
The “Action” crew had a fantastic time filming in San Francisco last February. TINA had never seen the city and she was all eyes. The cast loved the great backgrounds and had even more fun when they went out on the town at night. Several of the family members caught THE BLUES PROJECT at “The Matrix” while others made it down to see JIMMY SMITH and THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND at “Basin Street West.” Altogether, it was a fab three days for the kids.
Usually, TOMMY ROE is seen driving around town in his gold Cadillac, but that may all change soon. He is having a sports car customized and he says it will be the fastest thing on the road.
PETER AND GORDON, after a string of numerous hits stretching over the past three years, have decided to part company as a full time act. They will still record and promote records occasionally, but mainly PETER will work on his bookstore and GORDON is planning to try some solo recording.
SHORTIES: The most happening group in England now are THE MOVE. They go so far as to break TV sets and cars on stage as part of their show.

MONKEE MICKY spent a day with PAUL McCARTNEY his second day in London.
DENIS PAYTON, 23, of the DAVE CLARK FIVE, married his girlfriend of four years, LYN GRIFFITHS, 21, on February 24 in a small ceremony (with all the FIVE attending) at a village church in the English countryside.
JANE ASHER once taught DAVY JONES a cockney accent.
Here’s hoping for a double-sided hit for the HARD TIMES with their two groovy new songs “They Said No,” and “Sad, Sad Sunshine.”
PAUL REVERE just bought a new Excaliber—it’s white with fire-engine-red interior.
Did you see THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND on the Smothers Brothers Show. If you did, you saw a groovy example of the good time music you hear on their first Liberty single “Buy For Me The Rain” and “Candy Man.”
FANG was really upset over the rumors that he was leaving the RAIDERS. He’s so excited about all the things those boys have planned he’d never think of leaving.
Celebrities viewing and loving the PAUL REVERE Concert also with the TURTLES and the MOJO MEN were DRAKE LEVIN, TINA MASON and MICKY DOLENZ’s sister, COCO.