Info This is my mother and me near the cottage called “Sandy Hoof.” It’s a great pine cottage on the shores of Lake Michigan. We used to do a lot of digging in the sand and swimming there. Info Info We’re in Long Lake, which is in upstate New York and we always had a lot of fun there. Info The shot [above] is Venezuela. This was the most superb hotel I’ve ever been in in my life! Info Christmas, 1964, (above) I was in Venezuela with my family. We took a tourists’ tour through these great hotels. This was a great indoor-outdoor pool. From left, it’s my brothers Chris, Nick, my sister Annie and me. Info [Above], I think I look like a miniature prize fighter. We used to spend a day at a time at the beach, but I never terribly enjoyed it. I especially remember this time because my father came in by airplane and I’d never seen one. Info [Above], that’s my brother Nick and me with my dad in Germany. He was a lieutenant in the army. Info My grandmother thinks I look like a little Dutch boy in this picture. I think I look like Christian Nesmith. It was taken in Central Park and is one of grandma’s favorite photos. Info This bust of me was done when I was four years old and is now a minor art classic in Germany. It appears on German calendars regularly. I had to sit and pose for it and I didn’t care much for that, but even when I’d turn my head she would just work on the back of the head. Even when I was nine years old the bust looked older than I did. It’s now at my parents’ home in Saskatchewan, Canada. Info
Peter Tork: More Pics of His Outasite Life
Magazine: Tiger Beat
Author: Peter Tork
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 2
Issue: 8
Publisher: New Asbury Ltd. Publishing Co.
Pages: 32–33
- Anne Thorkelson
- Central Park
- Christian Nesmith
- Christmas
- Christopher Thorkelson
- Germany
- John Thorkelson
- Nick Thorkelson
- Peter Tork
- Sandy Hoof
- Saskatchewan
- Venezuela
- Virginia Thorkelson