“Monkees a la Mode” Pictures (458 pictures)
InfoMadame Quagmeyer (Patrice Wymore), Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoMadame Quagmeyer (Patrice Wymore) InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoToby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoMadame Quagmeyer (Patrice Wymore), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoMadame Quagmeyer (Patrice Wymore), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith InfoToby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz, Davy Jones, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith InfoDavy Jones InfoPeter Tork Info Info Info InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoToby Willis (Valerie Kairys), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Davy Jones InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Micky Dolenz InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoDavy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoDavy Jones, Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoPeter Tork, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones InfoPeter Tork, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoDavy Jones InfoDavy Jones InfoPeter Tork, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys) InfoMr. Schneider, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz InfoMike Nesmith, Mr. Schneider, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Mr. Schneider, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork Info InfoMike Nesmith, Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Peter Tork InfoPeter Tork InfoDavy Jones InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Davy Jones InfoRob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick), Davy Jones InfoDavy Jones, Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoMicky Dolenz InfoDavy Jones, Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoDavy Jones, Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoDavy Jones, Toby Willis (Valerie Kairys), Rob Roy Fingerhead (Eldon Quick) InfoDavy Jones Info InfoPeter Tork InfoMike Nesmith InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMike Nesmith, Peter Tork InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz InfoMicky Dolenz
Tags (177) Permalink
- Above
- Angel
- Angry
- Animal
- Annoyed
- Answering Door
- Antagonist
- Arm Outstretched
- Arrow
- Axe
- Back
- Below
- Bending
- Bird
- Biting Nails
- Black and White
- Bow and Arrow
- Bread
- Breaking Fourth Wall
- Broken
- Butt
- Camera
- Candle
- Cast Credits
- Cereal
- Chain
- Chandelier
- Checking Door Peephole
- Cheeky
- Chicken
- Clapping
- Climbing on Furniture
- Closeup
- Closing Door
- Closing Shot
- Clothes
- Confused
- Corn Flakes
- Covering Face
- Cow
- Credits
- Crossed Arms
- Crowd
- Derp
- Director Credits
- Disappointed
- Dog
- Drawing
- Duel
- Eating
- End Credits
- Excited
- Facepalm
- Fallen Down
- Falling
- Floor
- Flower
- Food
- Foot
- Freeze Frame
- Fridge
- Garbage Can
- Gavel
- Giraffe
- Girl
- Glass
- Grabbing
- Gritted Teeth
- Guilty
- Gun
- Hair Flip
- Hand in Mouth
- Hand on Chest
- Hand on Face
- Hand on Glasses
- Hand on Head
- Hand on Hip
- Hand on Nose
- Hands Out
- Handshake
- Happy
- Henchman
- Hitting
- Holding Hands
- Holding Hat
- Human Pyramid
- Hurt
- Imitating
- Intrigued
- Jukebox
- Jumping
- Kissing
- Kissy
- Lamp
- Lantern
- Laughing
- Leaning
- Looking
- Looking Down
- Looking Up
- Magazine
- Microphone
- Mirror
- Mischievous
- Modest
- Monkey
- Motion Blur
- Mouthing
- Nervous
- Night
- Nyah Nyah
- Opening Door
- Opening Shot
- Paper
- Pencil
- Performing
- Pheasant
- Phone
- Photo
- Playing Cards
- Podium
- Pointing
- Poker Chips
- Posing
- Pouting
- Profile
- Prop
- Proud
- Raised Eyebrows
- Reading
- Ring
- Rock
- Romp
- Sad
- Scared
- Scissors
- Scratching Head
- Sheet Music
- Singing
- Sitting
- Skeptical
- Slapping
- Sleeping
- Smile
- Smug
- Snapping
- Soda Pop
- Spoon
- Spotlight
- Squatting
- Squinting
- Sticking Out Tongue
- Stuffed Animal
- Surprised
- Table
- Taking Picture
- Talking on Phone
- Tea
- Throat Slash
- Throwing
- Tiger
- Tongue
- Touching
- Toy
- Trimming Woolhat
- Trophy
- Typewriter
- Waving
- Whistling
- Wide
- Wig
- Window
- Worried
- Writing Credits
- Yawning
- Yelling
People (12) Permalink
- Carole Williams
- Davy Jones
- Eldon Quick
- George Strattan
- Micky Dolenz
- Mike Nesmith
- Mr. Schneider
- Nancy Walters
- Patrice Wymore
- Peter Tork
- Unknown
- Valerie Kairys
Characters (10) Permalink
Instruments (10) Permalink
- 6073 Red Gretsch Bass
- 6076 Blonde 12-String Gretsch Guitar
- Acoustic Guitar
- Cello
- Drumsticks
- Gold Sparkle Drums
- Maracas
- Microphone
- Tambourine
- Violin
Songs (2) Permalink
Locations (19) Permalink
- Ballroom Set
- Banquet Hall
- Chandelier Room
- Chic Office
- Columbia Ranch Park
- Golden Oak Ranch
- Interior
- None
- The Pad
- The Pad Bandstand
- The Pad Closet Door
- The Pad Downstairs Bedroom Door
- The Pad Front Door
- The Pad Kitchen
- The Pad Mysterious Wall
- The Pad Stained Glass Window
- The Pad Staircase
- The Pad Sundeck
- Wood Room Set
Davy’s Clothes (23) Permalink
- Bald Cap
- Black and Orange Silly Hat
- Black Double Breasted Suit
- Black Turtleneck
- Black Tuxedo
- Blue Eight Button Shirt
- Blue Hat
- Blue Pinstripe Sweater
- Brunette Wig
- Colonial
- Dark Blue Jacket 2
- Gray Double Breasted Suit
- Musician
- Red Eight Button Shirt
- Red Hawaiian Shirt
- Red Vertical Striped Buttoned Shirt
- Red Wetsuit
- Stained Glass Collared Shirt
- Tie
- Tricorne
- White Bowtie
- White Chef Uniform
- Woolhat
Micky’s Clothes (30) Permalink
- Beige Flowered Shirt
- Black and Orange Silly Hat
- Black Double Breasted Suit
- Black Newsboy Cap
- Black Rain Hat
- Black Silly Hat
- Black Tuxedo
- Blue and White Flowered Buttoned Shirt White Collar
- Blue and White Hawaiian Shirt
- Blue Eight Button Shirt
- Colonial
- Dark Blue Tied Short Sleeve Shirt
- Dark Green Sweater Brown Pinstripe
- Gray and White Vertical Striped Newsboy Cap
- Gray and White Vertical Striped Zippered Jacket
- Gray Suit
- Green Vertical Striped Buttoned Shirt
- Musician
- Plaid Flat Cap
- Red and Beige Flowered Buttoned Shirt
- Red Eight Button Shirt
- Red Jumpsuit
- Red Sweater Black Striped
- Red Wetsuit
- Shirtless
- Tie
- Tricorne
- White Bowtie
- White Silly Hat
- Woolhat
Mike’s Clothes (24) Permalink
- Black Buttoned Shirt
- Black Double Breasted Suit
- Black Jumpsuit
- Black String Bowtie
- Black Tuxedo
- Black Wig
- Blue and White Flowered Buttoned Shirt White Collar
- Blue Buttoned Shirt
- Blue Eight Button Shirt
- Blue Jacket
- Blue Vertical Striped Buttoned Shirt
- Blue Woolhat
- Brown Paisley Buttoned Shirt
- Colonial
- Gray Double Breasted Suit
- Green Pinstripe Sweater
- Musician
- Red Eight Button Shirt
- Red Wetsuit
- Salmon Buttoned Shirt
- Tie
- Tricorne
- White Bowtie
- Woolhat
Peter’s Clothes (23) Permalink
- Black Double Breasted Suit
- Black Rain Hat
- Black Silly Hat
- Black Sweater Red Pinstripe
- Black Tuxedo
- Blue and White Mod Polka Dot Shirt
- Blue and White Vertical Pinstripe Suit
- Blue Eight Button Shirt
- Blue Hat
- Brown and White Vertical Striped Vneck Short Sleeve Shirt
- Colonial
- Gray Suit
- Indian
- Indian Headdress
- Musician
- Orange Vertical Striped Buttoned Shirt
- Red Eight Button Shirt
- Red Short Sleeve Shirt Black Collar
- Red Wetsuit
- Shirtless
- Tie
- White Bowtie
- Yellow Buttoned Short Sleeve Shirt