The Man Behind The Monkee!
His personal stats today… Permalink

FULL REAL NAME: George Michael Dolenz, Jr.
DATE OF BIRTH: March 8, 1945
PLACE OF BIRTH: Los Angeles, California
HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 6’, 145 lbs.
HAIR & EYES: Both brown
FAMILY: Dad was the late actor George Dolenz (The Count Of Monte Cristo), mom Janelle Scott, step-dad Robert, sisters (all younger) Coco, Debbie and Gina.
MARITAL STATUS: Married to Trina; daughters Charlotte, Emily, Georgia and 18-year-old Ami from his previous marriage to Samantha Just [sic].
…And yesterday (in his own words—and in his own inimitable style!) Permalink

My real name (huh, huh) is Havershap Spleenblaum, but you can call me Micky—with no e.
I was born in the middle of Big Bear Lake in the mountains of California.
I am only seven and one-half inches tall.
I have red eyes and fuschia hair.

I don’t think I’ll ever get married.
Among my many accomplishments is my ability to play comb and wax paper and artichoke.
My favorite color is invisible.
I don’t like girls who like okra.
I do like girls with long hair or short hair—no matter what, I like to get in their hair.
Micky’s lifelong secrets! Permalink

As a child, Micky loved to dress up as the scarecrow from The Wizard Of Oz.
Micky and sister Coco performed for their family by writing and singing songs and putting skits together.
He auditioned for the Circus Boy series at age nine—never having acted before! Micky had his brown hair dyed blond for the role that lasted three years.
Micky used his mom’s maiden name, Braddock, so he and his TV star dad wouldn’t have the same last name.
When a doctor diagnosed a problem with his leg, Micky gave up one of his first loves, heavy-duty sports.

Micky left college when his father died. He went to work as an auto mechanic in order to support the family.
When his mom married minister Robert Scott, Micky went back to college.
Micky had small parts on various TV series.
He joined a band called the Missing Links while in college and went on the road with them. He worked and recorded with them under the name Mike Swain.
When Micky auditioned for the producer of the Monkees, they did nothing but sit and stare at him! Uncomfortable, he began doing shtick—and landed the part as one of the four Monkees! They never bothered to tell him he won either. Micky heard about it through the grapevine!

It was wife Trina who actually coaxed Micky out from behind the cameras and his directorial duties and into the Monkees Reunion Tour of 1986.
Micky joined Davy Jones and Peter Tork in Australia this year and the three did some recording there!
Carole King and Steven Bishop submitted five songs for Micky and the others to consider for a new album. Carole used to write for the Monkees years ago.
Micky’s directing a Michael (Police Academy) Winslow film!
He still does auto shows and manages to visit fans in towns all over the country! Watch for Micky, Davy and Peter on a live LP and video!
Oh! And watch for another live Monkee tour this summer!