You can’t see it on American telly—but here it is in a 16 Spec exclusive picture story!
When Davy Jones went home to England late last spring to visit his family, he also managed to sneak in a TV show—Top Of The Pops. The producers of the show wanted Davy to make a film that could be used on the show when they played the Monkees’ hit single D.W. Washburn. But Davy had a great idea to add to that! Instead of using actors and actresses—Davy decided that it would be more fun if the cast in the film were his fans. And, as you can imagine, they weren’t very difficult to find. Davy simply stepped out into his Dad’s front yard and there they were! All Davy had to do was to invite the delirious kids to go along with him to the spot they had chosen to shoot the film!!
Unfortunately, the BBC-TV show cannot be seen on television here in America, but (fear not!) 16 Spec saves the day and brings to you Davy’s “sneak” TV show by way of pictures before the camera and behind the scenes!!
Info Info Flyin’ high—Davy leads his gang on a merry romp through the woods! Info On a secluded country road in the middle of the woods, Davy discovers an abandoned old car… Info A bit perplexed, Davy wonders where the car came from. Info Delighted with their new-found prize—they all give it a once-over, hop in and go for a rollicking ride! Info With the film completed—Davy answers some questions as his brother-in-law (left) and John Hughes, production assistant for Top Of The Pops, look on. Info Here, Davy poses with Mr. L. Bagshaw, the owner of the car, which was used in the film. Info And of course—Davy always finds some time to sign autographs and sit down and chat with some of his young fans!!