Are you bowed with despair? Is your heart overflowing with unwept tears? Is your head full of gloom? All because you can’t bring yourself to choose between Sajid Khan and Davy Jones—you love them both so very much it would just break you up to favor one over the other?
Who says you have to?! What’s wrong with going on just as you are—dreaming equally of Sajid and Davy and loving them both with the same affection?! In fact, if you do adore these two loveable guys with equal feeling, and rate them together as your top teen dream faves, you’re in luck!! Cos Sajid and Davy have put together a great big, breathtakingly beautiful, almost unbelievable gift box of fantastic goodies just for you who loves them both!!
And just look at what’s inside this gift box!
Sajid personally picked for you:
A Sajid Khan sweatshirt with his picture on it!
A Sajid Khan mini shift—also with his picture on it!
A dreamy Sajid Khan pillowcase (wouldja believe it—also with his picture on it?)!
A huge replica of Sajid’s adorable face on a gold-colored chain—to wear around your neck!
A big, beautiful, glossy picture book of Sajid from the beginning of his life until now!—A gorgeous picture of Sajid autographed by Saj himself just for you!
Davy personally picked for you:
A beige achkan with bright metallic trim (just like you’ve seen him wear so often), and a strand of love-beads to go with it!
A darling Davy Jones cap!
Your very own Davy Jones coat-hanger with Davy’s picture on it!
A luvable Davy Jones doll! A big, beautiful, glossy picture book of the Monkees!
A personally autographed copy of the Monkees’ latest Colgems LP!
A lovely, glossy photo of Davy signed by Davy just for you!
All of these wonderful gifts are tucked inside Sajid’s and Davy’s gift box right now—just waiting to be claimed! And here’s all you have to do to make all of these goodies your very own:
Just fill in the coupon on this page, cut it out and mail it to the address on the coupon. Yep—that’s all you have to do!
All coupons will be dropped inside a barrel. The barrel will then be revolved and 16’s Editor-in-Chief, Gloria Stavers, blindfolded, will pick one coupon from the barrel. The coupon she picks will be the contest winner—and the sender of the coupon will be awarded all of Sajid’s and Davy’s fantastic gifts in their one groovy gift box!
Every 16-er who loves both Sajid and Davy owes it to herself to grab off all of these goodies from her double faves, so clutch a pencil or pen, fill in the coupon, cut it out and mail it now!