A Personally Guided Tour of Davy’s Digs

This is the place, high on the hill, that Davy calls home and you can be his special guest!

  • Davy Jones
    Info This horn is for decoration only, and I admit it isn’t as heavy as it looks!
  • Davy Jones
    Info My couch is crushed velvet and so comfortable! The hands theme in the picture appears in some of my other paintings.
  • Davy Jones
    Info You know how I get along with animals! My fish even have their own Davy Jones Locker!
  • Davy Jones
    Info I keep this groovy old violin in a specially built case in my living room.
  • Davy Jones
    Info I luv this little Mexican boy taking a siesta. A lot of people say he looks a lot like me!
  • Davy Jones
    Info I collect lots of old things, and my house shows it. There’s nothing I enjoy more than digging around inside antique shops.
  • Davy Jones
    Info The pictures behind my color TV have a saying for every day of the week.
  • Davy Jones
    Info It was always a dream of mine to have a house filled with things I loved, and now it’s come true. I’m always putting fresh flowers all over the place.
  • Davy Jones
    Info This system controls my gate and at night I turn on the sound to hear the birds singing!
  • Davy Jones
    Info Take a last look at my old round bed! I’ve just ordered a huge square one. There’s another of my portraits of hands behind the bed.
  • Davy Jones
    Info One thing I really enjoy is whipping up snacks for my friends. My kitchen is always in use!
  • Davy Jones
    Info Lifting weights every day keeps me in trim. Those are my stereo speakers beside me.
  • Davy Jones
    Info Yes, I’m another Bobbie Gentry fan. I really dig this big poster of her.
  • Davy Jones
    Info A fan sent me this, and I really luv it!
  • Davy Jones
    Info This is my recreation room right off my pool, and I spend a lot of time here. I bought my pool table on my last trip to England.
  • Davy Jones
    Info You wouldn’t believe how many of my friends have become pool fans!
  • Davy Jones
    Info My motorcycle is kept in my recreation room.
  • Davy Jones
    Info My neighbor is always returning lost pets to me!

Magazine: Tiger Beat
Editor: Ann Moses
Volume: 4
Issue: 3
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Company
Pages: 2–5