Monkee Recipes

It was 110 degrees in the shade on that blistering August afternoon in California, about 1 degree cooler than on the set where the Monkees are accustomed to spend their hot August afternoons. And anyway, when you live with California palm trees, there isn’t much shade to get under!

Davy, Micky, Mike and Peter were panting like a bunch of camels coming back from an all-day desert safari as they emerged from the sweltering studio, wondering how they could get a quickie snack and cool off in the couple of hours remaining before they had to report for a recording session.

“I’ve got it,” Davy said, snapping his fingers. “Climb aboard, Tigers! This is a lemonade day if I ever saw one!” And he hopped in his groovy GTO, revved the engine, and dug out almost before his limp pals could haul their tired bodies aboard.

As they sped off to his famous hilltop house, Davy exclaimed, “Sure, mates. There’s bound to be a spankin’ breeze a’blowin’ up to my diggins!” And sure enough, as they climbed out of the car in front of Davy’s neat English gate, it felt like the temperature had dropped at least .007 of a degree.

“OK, you guys. You’ve got ten minutes in the pool while I stir up a jug of juice. Then you’re on goodie detail while I cool it.” And with that Davy disappeared into his thoroughly modern kitchen. In a flash he was back, carrying a huge urn of lemonade. The Monkees drank it up before you could say “The Birds, the Bees and the Monkees”.

And here’s how to make this outasite drink called:

Davy Jones

Into a Monkee-sized pitcher stir
½ cup sugar
½ cup hot water, then add
the juice of 2 to 3 big fresh lemons,
1 quart cold water, and
1 tray full of ice cubes.

Drop in one half lemon sliced very thin for extra flavor, and stir like crazy until thoroughly mixed and the pitcher begins to look frosty. This recipe just happens to serve four thirsty people, Monkees or other types.

While Davy was dressing, Micky, Mike and Peter got the bright idea to investigate the ice box. They dug what they saw. “Let’s whip up some goodies while we’re waiting,” Micky suggested. “Why not?” agreed Mike. “O.K.,” said Peter. “I’ll do a salad. Mick, you do something with burgers and I’ll come on with a dessert that’s fantastic.”

“Right, Right, Right!” the Monkees exclaimed, and zipped in and out of cupboards, pantry and refrigerator, putting together a hot weather feast! When Davy reappeared, he didn’t recognize his thoroughly modern kitchen, but he grinned at the sight of all the goodies set before him.

“Hmm, looks like the elves have been at at [sic] again… Good work, men. Shall we begin?” And they did! Here is the groovy bill of fare:

Micky Dolenz

Mix in a large bowl one
7-oz. can of tuna fish
1 cup chopped celery
½ cup diced cheese (American or other)
¼ cup mayonnaise
salt and pepper to taste

Split and butter 4 to 6 hamburger buns. Fill buns with tuna fish mixture and replace bun tops. Heat in paper sandwich bags on baking sheet at 350 degrees for fifteen minutes. Watch them closely. You only want to warm the fishburgers, not toast or burn them.

Peter Tork

Place crisp leaves of lettuce on salad plates (in this case, of course, Peter made four salads); then on each lettuce leaf place a pineapple ring. In the center of each pineapple ring stand on end one half a banana. Then on top of the banana place a red or green maraschino cherry which you’ve speared with a toothpick. For this special occasion Peter added around the base of each banana about one tablespoon of mayonnaise to which he added a bit of the pineapple juice. It just makes the salad a little yummier.

Mike Nesmith

When Mike discovered a fresh package of plain doughnuts in Davy’s pantry, a light flashed in his think-tank and he quickly remembered a favorite fudge frosting from his little boyhood. (It can also be used to spread on graham crackers or vanilla wafers.)

In a saucepan mix
1 cup sugar
½ cup cocoa, then
stir in ¼ cup butter
½ cup milk
2 tablespoons light corn syrup

Bring all of this to a boil and let boil for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally to smooth and prevent sticking. Remove spoon and put pan in cold water. As soon as you can comfortably hold your hand on the bottom of the pan, it’s time to

stir in 1 ½ cups sifted confectioner’s sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring

If mixture seems too thin, you can add up to ½ cup more sifted confectioner’s sugar. Stir icing until thick enough to spread. Add more milk if needed to thin.

Magazine: Monkee Spectacular
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 1
Issue: 16
Publisher: Laufer Publishing Co.
Pages: 52–53