Suddenly Sajid Is Being Compared to Davy as the World’s Grooviest New Star! How True are the Feud Rumors?
The deep look of wonder behind Sajid’s shining brown eyes is increasing every day. He can’t believe the love and success shown him here in America. It’s happened quickly with the arms of fans everywhere reaching out, clutching Sajid and telling him he’s their newest fave.
Being a stranger in a new land is difficult. Saj is grateful for everything done for him and, in his own quiet way, he returns kindnesses shown him. But he’s upset about some current stories being printed. One of the worst of these is the rumor that Sajid and Davy Jones are feuding.
Rarely speaking all his thoughts aloud, Sajid keeps many things buried inside. But when something hurts, he’s got to let out his feelings. The Davy story is one that must be put straight and Sajid is the only person who can do this.
What really happened Permalink
Several months ago an uninformed magazine printed a story saying that Sajid was going to become a Monkee or join the Monkees in their show. This was simply an attempt to hitch Sajid’s popularity on the tail of the Monkees and especially Davy Jones.
Monkees laughed Permalink

When the Monkees heard about this they laughed it off as another made up story just for the sake of something to print. But Sajid was more concerned than anyone else. He didn’t need publicity at the sake of anyone else and especially the Monkees. And the thing that concerned him most was the fear that Davy might be offended. After all, Davy Jones was a talented and very successful star and Sajid was just beginning his career in this country.
Late last year Sajid was invited to attend the TIGER BEAT-FaVE Christmas party at the Bel Air hotel. He was especially excited because he knew there would be lots of stars there and he had yet to meet many of them. On this particular night, Sajid took extra care to dress beautifully. He wore his dark blue jacket, a deep red scarf and several pairs of love beads. He washed his hair and brushed it until it gleamed. Then he took a very long time in front of the mirror, making sure he was just right. Saj is very careful about making a good impression and tonight was an important one to him.
Meets Davy Permalink
There were many stars at the party, but the one Saj was naturally drawn to was David Jones. Davy entered the room very late, as he had been shooting all day. Immediately all eyes were on him as he shook hands all around the room. Sajid was just as excited at seeing Davy for the first time as any fan would be. He had watched the Monkees ever since they began on television and loved the show. Secretly, as Saj’s eyes followed Davy around the room, he envied him. Not because Davy was a top star but because he was a working actor, spending every day in front of a camera.
Acting was what Sajid was cut out for and now that “Maya” had been canceled he was back in school once again. He missed working more than anything so naturally this topic of conversation came up immediately when Davy was introduced to Saj.
Davy’s bright, happy and easygoing way impressed Sajid quickly. He knew why everyone loved Davy at first sight. There was a realness about him that even the Monkee cameras couldn’t catch. Davy was equally impressed by Sajid.
They’re alike Permalink

Since both Saj and Davy are not Americans, many of their ways are similar. They both had been raised to work and work hard. Each is a success in his homeland. Saj in India and Davy in England. There is a formality about each boy that the other immediately picked up. As they talked each knew that he liked the other a great deal. Davy had watched “Maya” many times and regretted the fact that it would no longer be on television.
When Davy inquired what Saj was planning, Sajid revealed that at the moment he was free of movie and TV commitments. Quick to catch on to a good idea, Davy told Saj about the Monkee feature film that was about to go into production. He told Saj all about the wild non-plot picture that was to have a million things happening within 90 minutes of screen time. Davy thought it would be a groovy idea if Sajid were to have a part in the film.
Sajid laughed as Davy told him all about what was going to happen on the screen. He knew right then that he would love being in the film. But he didn’t expect that there’d be a part for him. The movie was just about ready to begin shooting.
Deep down inside Sajid was excited but he didn’t want Davy to know it and likewise Davy was excited because he liked Sajid very much and could see about him a quality that would definitely make him a star.
No film role Permalink
That night, after the party, Sajid lay awake a long time. He thought about Davy and smiled to himself. It was fabulous of Davy to even suggest that he appear in the Monkee film. Whether or not it happened, he would always be grateful for Davy’s idea. He thought, too, about how they were alike. Both of them had worked long and hard on their careers and both understood what it meant to have sadness and pain in their lives as well as the great joy of fame.
Sajid wasn’t surprised when he wasn’t cast in the Monkee movie. Davy had carried his idea to the front office at Screen Gems, but it just wasn’t possible at this late date to work Sajid in the film in a part equal to his talents.
So here’s where the story began that Sajid was going to join the Monkees and from this point on magazines began linking Sajid and Davy together by even suggesting that Davy was worried about Sajid’s growing popularity. None of this is true.
Today, though the boys’ lives and careers don’t run hand in hand, they are good friends. Sajid knows Davy Jones better than most people ever can because he understands Davy as a person. He knows what it’s like to be a stranger in a new land and to face a career that is possibly the hardest in the world. He also feels the conflicts and the desires within Davy Jones, wanting to be good to all his fans and still give the most energy he can to his career.
Sajid respects Davy, both as a person and as a star. Even if their personal lives are not close there is no competition between them and especially no jealousy. Sajid’s life goes on as does Davy’s and each in his own way is making the world a happier and more exciting place for those who love them.