All About Micky

Micky Dolenz

Every month I write a story about Micky and this month, I’m reporting about Micky’s Christmas.

The one most important item around any household during Christmas time is the Christmas tree. The Dolenz household is no exception. This year Micky went tree shopping and came back the proud owner of a fifteen-foot tall Christmas tree. After the usual total confusion of getting the tree in the house and up in the living room (Micky’s living room ceiling is 20 feet high), Micky invited a bunch of his friends over to start the decoration. Once the decorating was done, the music was turned up and the refreshments passed around and before long the bunch turned into a party. And, like any other Micky Dolenz party, this one lasted until 4 in the morning.

The second most important thing is the presence of the presents. Even though Micky had a slight case of flu, and was overtired from shooting the show, and spending late hours at recording sessions he managed to make sure he completed his Christmas shopping and had something for everyone on his gift list.

He gave his friends some great gifts. He gave Tad (Henry Diltz) a new 35mm camera, Bill, a 300X telescope (we all spent Christmas eve looking at the craters on the moon), Brenda, a complete Polaroid land camera kit, Linda and Beverly, clothes, Samantha (Juste) a trip to Hawaii and myself, some camera equipment, a kaleidoscope, an hour glass, and a “crazy mirror”.

Micky and his friends celebrated Christmas a day early at his Hollywood house so he could leave Christmas Eve and spend Christmas with his family and give them the presents he had for them.

He gave his mother a new stove, his father, a stereo tape recorder, CoCo, a suede coat and a stereo tape recorder for her car (he gave her the car last Christmas), Debbie, a brown pony with a saddle, Gina, a complete miniature kitchen (complete with stove, refrigerator, oven, pots and pans, dishes, cabinets and silverware), and his grandmother, a new couch and chair arrangement for her home. What did Micky get for Christmas? Books on photography, the theatre, and Science Fiction, pictures, clothes, and an assortment of the Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

Magazine: Flip
Publisher: Kahn Communications Corporation
Page: 56