While the Queen awards her New Year Honours to special citizens, we decided to award our own New Year Honours to all the stars of the pop world who have helped to make the past raving year so great! Our Order Of RAVE is a special tribute to them. All your favourite stars are honoured here, and for lots of different reasons. So read on and see if you agree with us! Our first Order Of RAVE is presented…
To Davy Jones,
for being such a nice, sweet person and coming home to see his dad whenever he gets a break from being a Monkee. And, of course, for winning our Rave Of The Year pop personality poll, which means that you must agree with us!
To Peter Frampton
of the Herd, who has been tipped as having a very big future in the pop world before him. He’s also sweet, gorgeous and very raveable, with the look of a young Scott about him, which can’t be bad! Watch out for him in ’68.
[Magazine provided by Senti.]