On an island in Hawaii with PAUL REVERE and the RAIDERS and DINO, DESI and BILLY was the fantastic way I spent four “working” days in August. What better way to top off a wonderful summer could there be?
THE RAIDERS and D, D, and B were appearing on the BEACH BOYS’ Summer Spectacular in Honolulu and asked me along to record their week vacation following the dynamite shows!
The first day “off” was a total gas! All the RAIDERS rented motorbikes and PAUL became our impromptu guide for a tour of this paradise island! Our first stop was at a cafeteria where MARK and PAUL used to spend many hours. It was just over two years ago when the group made their first appearances in Hawaii in the clubs there.
At that time, they hadn’t yet become teen idols via “Where The Action Is” and they weren’t making the greatest sums of money in the world. So, for three months while they played the local clubs, their hang-out was the cafeteria where you can get a whole great meal for 85 cents. In tradition, they all ate their lunch under the big banyan tree just outside.
After lunch we were off to the same bay where ELVIS filmed “Blue Hawaii.” It was beautiful scenery wherever we went. Next on our tour was “Sea Life Park” where there are continual sea shows. The RAIDERS really dug some of the things in the gift shop there. MARK particularly flipped for some lava bead necklaces.
In the late afternoon we couldn’t resist the water any longer and went for a rollicking swim in the deep blue. Our evening was spent backstage at the concert. The RAIDERS really looked fantastic in their new brocade uniforms covered with fresh leis!
Sunday D, D and B and all the RAIDERS spent all day racing around the island on their motorbikes. DESI went surfing and everyone agreed he’s really a great surfer!
My last day was the greatest of all! Everyone gathered on the beach early that morning and spent several hours just soaking up sun and cherishing the relaxing moments. In the afternoon, DINO rented a catamaran and we all went out for an unbelievably groovy sailing venture! “This is the real me,” I heard everyone say at least once.
That night after PAUL treated everyone to dinner, our mini-entourage made it’s way to Duke Kahanamoutu’s in the International Marketplace where we saw the DON HO SHOW. Everyone flipped for his great show, which was a great climax to four days of pure enjoyment!
At a recent “Troubadour” hoot, where the LEWIS AND CLARKE EXPEDITION were headlining, I had a chance to see a new Capitol artist, MARY McCASLIN. She was so outasite, singing BEATLE songs with a country accent and even some of MIKE NESMITH’S songs.
Her name popped up again one day over lunch with PHYLLIS NESMITH. It seems PHYLLIS and MIKE first met MARY when MIKE was emceeing hoots at the “Troubadour.” She heard his songs and asked if she could include them in her act. MIKE said, “groovy” and it has been ever since. She is the most natural, fun performer to come along in a long time.
JEFFERSON AIRPLANE spent a month in Hollywood as they recorded their third album (which includes a super 11-minute version of ‘The Ballad of You and Me and Pooneil’). For their stay they rented the same mini-palace the BEATLES stayed in last year.
They came during a very hot spell, so the big pool was almost always filled. One afternoon when the temperature had reached 100 degrees, DAVID CROSBY and PETER TORK dropped by to have a swim and really enjoyed the comfortable atmosphere that surrounds the AIRPLANE.
HERMAN and the HERMITS were in Hollywood at the end of the summer to perform with the WHO, the SUNDOWNERS and the STRAWBERRY ALARM CLOCK at the Anaheim Convention Center and to tape the SMOTHERS BROTHERS’ Show. After their busy week here, they flew back to England (via Hawaii) to finish up their movie “Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter.” Reports say it will be outasite, let’s hope it’s out soon.
You can be sure there’s always something groovy going on at PETER TORK’S house and my last visit was no exception. When DAVE CLARK was in town and down to visit the MONKEE set, PETER invited us all over for dinner.
After a wonderful meal (including eggplant) cooked by JOEY RICHARDS, PETER played his whole routine from the Village days, which was outasite! Then he pulled a funny joke on us.
He had his gold album for “More Of The Monkees” sitting on the floor. The company that manufactures the gold records (which marks one million sales) warns not to play them because the gold will wear off. But because PETE always tries everything, he played it for us. When the sound came from the record player, it was an opera record! They didn’t even gold plate a real MONKEE album. It was hilarious to listen to, and didn’t sound like the MONKEES at all!
SUPER SCOOPS: JOE BUTLER of the LOVIN’ SPOONFUL married actress LESLIE VEGA in New York on Sept. 2 . . . PETER TORK has been wearing paste-on tatoos lately . . . NEIL YOUNG has been playing on stage with the BUFFALO again . . . RINGO named his second son, JASON . . . THE BROTHERHOOD are planning the wildest stage costumes ever . . . THE BEATLES bought an island off the coast of Greece . . . Rumor has it that the RUMORS are outasite . . . SCOTT MCKENZIE was fantastic on the MAMAS AND PAPAS’ show at Hollywood Bowl . . . MICK JAGGER and MARIANNE FAITHFUL vacationed in Ireland together . . . NANCY SINATRA filmed “Speedway” with ELVIS . . . MARY and SPENCER of the AIRPLANE are turning into real photography addicts . . . THE STANDELLS’ record “Try It” was unbanned, but still didn’t get much play . . . DON & THE GOODTIMES appeared in Alaska recently . . . FLORENCE BALLARD left the SUPREMES due to ill health.