Davy has friends all over the world and sometimes they get a chance to visit him in Hollywood.
Just recently some of Davy’s old mates from England paid him an unexpected visit. They are playing with a professional soccer team, so while they stopped off in Hollywood, Davy got several opportunities to see them. He also got a brief chance to play some soccer with them. This is something Davy has missed very much. He loves all sports, but especially soccer.
Info Info When Davy’s soccer buddies came over from England to play in the pro games here, they invited Davy along to a practice session. Info He could hardly wait to change from his Monkee boots to the regulation soccer shoes. Davy hadn’t seen many of the boys since they went to school together back in Manchester. Info Info Info The boys had a grand time romping through their usual practice session. They all agreed Davy hadn’t lost his skill at the game. Below, that’s Davy diving head first at the ball! Info Notice the angle at which Davy “dribbles” the ball. In soccer, the rules say only the goalie can touch the ball with his hands. Davy had a great time! Info Info Info After a rough work-out, Davy took his friends to one of his favorite men’s stores and treated them to anything they wanted. Info [Above], the salesgirl couldn’t resist asking Davy for his autograph. Davy never minds this. Info A mini-skirt for Davy? We prefer him in slacks and skirts, but Davy always loves to joke with people. The boys left the shop with many goodies and many memories of a groovy day with their friend, Davy. Info Info