I Visit with The Monkees (Part 10)

Davy Jones, Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz

Dear TiGER BEAT Readers,

Before starting their American tour, the Monkees flew to Paris for five days and then on to England for their super sold out concerts there.

The British fans were wilder than ever before and every Monkee told me they’ve never been more excited. Many British pop stars turned out to see them while in London and this made the boys very happy.

Just before they left, the guys had a little time off, so Micky and Peter traveled to Monterey for the sensational Pop Festival and they had a great time. Davy got some sun in Palm Springs and Mike worked on his record album and the new house.

Peter Tork, Ann Moses

The Monkees did spend the two weeks before they left working each night at RCA recording their fourth album. They each had some wild ideas, so it should be another shocking, but very groovy album.

Hope you saw the Monkees in person, if you haven’t already!

Ann Moses

  • Peter Tork
    Info Peter’s so curious about TV you can always find him listening to the sound or sitting behind a camera.
  • Mike Nesmith, Micky Dolenz
    Info It was off to Paris for the Monkees at the first of the summer. Reports said that they were to film there for five days. That would be great! Can you see them on top of the Eiffel Tower?
  • Peter Tork
  • Bulk (David Draper), Davy Jones
    Info Everybody talks about Davy’s height, but few people comment on his really fine physique. Davy easts health foods and works out in his gym at home. Micky has a gym in his home too.
  • Mike Nesmith, Peter Tork
    Info A serious moment on the set? It doesn’t happen often. Even when one of the Monkees feels low, the others joke so much he’s soon really happy.
  • Bulk (David Draper), Micky Dolenz
  • Davy Jones, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith
  • Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith
    Info Monkee stunts never stop on their fast-moving show. They do all their own stunts too, like swinging on vines for the jungle scenes, walking tight-ropes in circus scenes and even riding unicycles like [above].

Magazine: Tiger Beat
Editor: Ralph Benner
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Publisher: New Asbury Ltd. Publishing Co.
Pages: 20–23