Fave Happenings

Phyllis Barbour Nesmith, Mike Nesmith
Info Meet the most gracious hosts in Hollywood town—Phyllis and Mike Nesmith. They’re both charming!

Would you like to fall in love like I did? But you’ll never guess who… O.K. I’ll let you in on my plan and hope it works for you! First, have a magazine deadline to meet with no photos of CHRIS and CRAIG of THE PENNY ARCADE…

Since MONKEE MIKE is the only living soul with the photos, you call him at the Columbia Ranch and make arrangements to pick them up at his house. At 8:30 p.m. you start up his street above Sunset until you come to the right number. You’re sure it’s MIKE’S house because outside is his navy blue Riviera, his white truck and his bright yellow jeep. And everywhere there are signs that read “Beware of Dog,” which really means “Beware of Fraak.”

When you knock on the door, a lovely lady named PHYLLIS will invite you into the living room where you first meet Fraak and Spotte. Spotte is the friendliest; he jumps and tries to kiss you hello. MIKE is stretched out on the big white couch having a massage by his lovely Aunt from San Antonio.

Suddenly a little boy runs in and looks at you so interested. PHYLLIS introduces you to their son CHRISTIAN, who, as fast as he can say hello (he’s just two), runs over and grabs his father’s new album and shows it to you.

By this time PHYLLIS has found the photos you’ve come for and it’s time to leave. I’m not positive this plan will work in all cases, but it worked for me. I fell in love with the NESMITH family and their groovy Texas hospitality.

It’s not unusual to bump into a MONKEE around Hollywood, because they’re always running here and there. But was I shocked when I drove down to Palm Springs on Memorial Day. I was all set to go horseback riding in the desert when DAVY JONES comes racing into the stables with four of his buddies and at least six young fans whom he had treated to an hour of horseback riding. He looked super-tan as usual and after we chatted for a few minutes, he was off for a round of golf.

Craig Smith, Chris Ducey
Info Meet Chris, right, and Craig, left, new singing duo discovered by Mike Nesmith.

MICKY has a great system for naming his pets—he does it by glancing at whatever’s handy and uses it for a name! His first two cats got their names (“Canada” and “Dry”) when MICKY looked at the bottle of ginger ale he was drinking. Then when he got two new kitties he was taking out a carton of ice cream so he now has a set called “Ice” and “Cream.”

Since many of you will probably be coming to Hollywood on vacations this summer, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a run down on the latest “happening” clubs around town.

The largest and lately the grooviest is the “Hullabaloo Club” on Sunset Boulevard. The age limit is 15 and this club books some of the best acts in town. Just some of the groups that have appeared in the past have been THE STANDELLS, THE KNICKERBOCKERS and THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND; and solo stars, NEIL DIAMOND and WILSON PICKETT.

Not only does the “Hullabaloo” offer top names, but their two “house” bands, the “EAST SIDE KIDS” and “THE YELLOW PAYGES” are outasite. They also have an unique feature called “After Hours” where as many as four top groups appear from 2 a.m. to dawn.

Out in Glendale, just 10 minutes from Hollywood, is the “Glendale Ice House” which is not only a showcase for the top acts, but also for new acts that are soon to “happen.” Past “Ice House” firsts have been the ASSOCIATION and the NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND. Unlike the “Hullabaloo”, there is no dancing and no age limit, but its coffee house atmosphere is a real gas!

Mike Nesmith, Davy Jones, Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz
Info Every Monkee fan in the land knew the four boys had best comedy show on TV, and they proved it, too, by winning the Emmy!

The only other “happening” club is the “Cheetah” in Santa Monica. But if it happens to you that’s too bad. The “Cheetah” charges outrageous admission and once you get in, the sound is so bad, that all you hear is one loud drone of sound no matter what band is on stage. The “psychedelic” lights in no way enhance the music; they only serve to bombard the senses.

On the Strip, the “Trip”, once the club featuring such acts as the BYRDS, DONOVAN and the LOVIN’ SPOONFUL has been closed for about six months. Meanwhile up the Boulevard its counterpart, “The Whiskey A-Go-Go” has been presenting Motown acts like the FOUR TOPS, TEMPTATIONS, etc. Most of the clubs on the strip have an age limit of 18 and over.

The only other clubs that are frequented regularly are the two private clubs (by membership only)—“The Daisy” and “The Other Place.” Both list a membership catalogue of elite motion picture stars and a few pop people.

SUPER SCOOPS: . . . THE GORDIAN KNOT recently returned from a two-week tour in Viet Nam with NANCY SINATRA. This fab group is in the new PETER GUNN movie and really do an outasite job . . . THE ROBBS finally came back to Hollywood to record their new album in June. They just finished a fab tour of the midwest . . . DAVY JONES sometimes dates DEANA MARTIN . . . Wonder where that leaves TONY VALENTINO of the STANDELLS whom she used to date? . . . RICCI MARTIN should be making his debut with his own group sometime in the not-too-distant future . . . LYNNE RANDELL was super-fantastic on the MONKEES concert show at the Hollywood Bowl . . . Celebs at the RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS opening at the “Coconut Grove” included TOMMY ROE, NANCY SINATRA, PETER SELERS, BOBBY DARIN, and the GORDIAN KNOT . . . NEIL DIAMOND is eager to sign BUZ OVERMAN of the GOODTIMES as a composer with his publishing company . . . DAVE CLARK was a dinner guest of PETER TORK during his Hollywood vacation in June . . . What’s happening with the LOVIN’ SPOONFUL? Their records are groovy as ever, but we miss their ever-smiling faces . . . No one was allowed on the set of DINO’S movie “A Boy and A Girl,” not even his manager! . . . THE NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND have all moved from their four-story Hollywood pad to their own houses—some at the beach, some still in Hollywood . . . DENNIS DOHERTY’S former cat “Black Kitty” now residing at GENIE THE TAILOR’S had kittens—they went to JIM VALLEY, MICKEY [sic] DOLENZ and SANDY SALISBURY . . . The TURTLES came back recently from their first promotional tour of England . . . CHER is now wearing mini-dresses more than pants . . . JEREMY CLYDE moved into a new house; and CHAD and JILL STUART live just up the street from PETER TORK . . . PHIL VOLK’S dog “Cleo” is as, tall as he is when she stands on two legs and she’s only half grown! . . . the BEATLES album cut “A Day In The Life” was banned by the BBC . . . DINO’S hair was bleached blond for his role in his movie . . . DON AND THE GOODTIMES are all moving into their own houses and apartments when they return from their summer tours . . . Pick up on a great single by Canadian star TOM NORTHCOTT, it’s called “Sunny Goodge Street” and is on the Warner Brothers label . . .

WHAT’S HAPPENING??? What lead singer in a top hard rock group wears a toupee??

Magazine: Fave
Editor: Mary Jo Clements
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Publisher: New Asbury Ltd. Publishing Co.
Pages: 22–23