You’re about to experience one of the loveliest times you’ve ever had—a very personal, very memorable visit with a very favorite Monkee.
Info Welcome to David’s house! As you approach, you can always tell it’s his pad by the white picket fence and the old-fashioned English lantern in front. David brought the lantern up-to-date by adding a modern light bulb. Info Behind the fence is the beginning of David’s garden. How do you like it? David really “digs” it, because it is somewhat as he is—wild and untamed. Here he sits in a large bed of honeysuckle. Info Before you enter the house, let David give you one of his beautiful red roses. They are rare, so it is a very special gift from David to you. Info Welcome to the closet. Don’t laugh—it’s one of the few rooms David has completely “furnished.” He’s working on the others, though. Info Yep, it’s Davy—“Grumpy The First”—at brunch. He’s not this way all the time. After his tummy is filled, he feels a lot better. Info And when he picks up his guitar, he feels best of all. Delicious, in fact—as you can see by the sudden smile on his face. Info Could it be that David is tuning up to play a love song to you—just for you? Info It’s true! David falls under the spell of his music and softly, meaningfully, he sings the words, his eyes lifting to meet yours. Info The song ends—and Davy whisks you outside for a lovely, lazy siesta beside his pool. The pool is a very special favorite of Davy’s; he has spent many happy hours bathing in it and day-dreaming beside it. But he has never been happier than now—because you have shared his delight in it.