For the grooviest trip of all time, sharpen your pencil, connect the numbers and treat yourself to a neat visit to Mike’s mansion, Davy’s dream house, Micky’s mountain villa and Peter’s cliff dwelling—with a few surprises along the way…
Editor’s Note: If you had a real map of Hollywood you could find the true locations of the Monkees’ homes simply by following our Magic Trail Code. You could lay the map over the two pages and find out where each Monkee lives. We can’t tell their real addresses but with detective work and a map, you can find them yourself. Anyway, you’ll have a ball connecting the numbers. In any case you should have a Hollywood map at all times. For info on maps, write Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, 6520 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. 90028.
Magic trail code Permalink
- Put on hiking boots and go-go.
- Watch traffic on busy Sunset Blvd.
- Foothill curve. Use caution.
- Check high fence. Beware of Fraak!
- You are there! Mike’s Mansion!
- Sharp turn ahead. Watch speeders.
- Here comes Fang in his red sports car.
- That was close. Get ready to climb.
- Davy’s pad ahead. Proceed slowly.
- G-r-r-r-r-o-o-v-y!
- Another low gear climb.
- Wave to Billy at his bar-b-que.
- Road narrows. Keep to right.
- Brakes! Don’t skid into Dino’s pool.
- Downhill all the way to Johnny River’s hangout.
- Can you believe—Micky’s outasite house!
- Hey, there’s Desi zinging past on his Honda.
- Better rest a bit from the happenings.
- Back on the trail. Put on oxygen tank.
- Genie the Tailor lives HERE. But wait…
- Wasn’t that Mark? More oxygen.
- Puff, puff. Another hill to Harpo’s.
- Apply brakes. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band hut just ahead.
- Ready or not—you’re at Peter’s pad.