Teen Talk

Davy Jones, Jackie DeShannon
Info Davy Jones and Jackie de Shannon

Well everyone, this is my first month in the Editor’s chair—and what a month it’s been!

First major job on the books was cleaning out my old desk for TLs new Managing Editor, DANA OHLMEYER—and what a task that turned out to be! I never imagined that it was possible for one person to accumulate so much junk in one desk in only nine months—the time I’ve been with Teen Life! But you should have seen it all. I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind Of person who just can’t bring myself to throw things away. I store things away like a squirrel, always promising myself that one day I’ll sit down, carefully go through the lot then chuck out all the stuff I don’t really need. Well, I guess I put off the operation just a little too long. When the day of reckoning arrived, I had to spend a whole day tidying up shop! It’s a bit like moving apartments. You never think you’ve got much to move—until you start moving! It’s only then that you realize just how much rubbish you possess.

Anyway, I’m glad to report that when Dana arrived, she was confronted with a beautiful clean desk. And let me tell you a little bit about Dana. She’s certainly a girl-about-the-world! Just 24, she’s traveled half way ’round the globe and has lived in such exciting places as Paris, Greece, Spain, England, Istanbul and Germany. During her travels she studied and wrote articles for magazines, and we’re all very glad that she decided to make her last port of call New York. After only a very short time with our mag. she’s fallen in love with the teen field, and I know she’s going to make a great Managing Ed.

Of course, the most exciting part of this month has been planning this issue for you. And I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as Dana and I have enjoyed putting it together. If you have time, drop us a line and let us know.

I was very thrilled when a very dear friend of mine, JACKIE DE SHANNON, was chosen to sing one of the entry songs for the Academy Awards audience in Hollywood. Jackie’s a talented singer (What The World Needs Now Is Love), songwriter (too many to mention!), actress and record producer, and no one deserved this great honor more than she. At the Grammy Awards party she met up with DAVY JONES, and tells me he’s one of the nicest guys you could ever wish to meet. By the way, Jackie adds writing to her list of accomplishments in this issue. Turn to page 41 for her touching article, “Who Am I?”

Enough of this nattering for now! Let’s get down to the serious business of answering your mail…

Dear Bess:

I really enjoy reading your magazine, but will you please print more articles about ELVIS PRESLEY! I know he would appreciate it. I am one of El’s biggest fans and I’m also a member of his fan club. I don’t think you really read our letters at all, and if you do PLEASE PRINT THIS!

Margaret Van Idour,
Garden City South, New York

Dear Margaret:

Well, now you can see that we DO read readers’ mail! In fact, we read EVERY letter we receive. We love to hear from you and get your opinions, but due to the lack of space we are unable to print all your letters—which is a pity. As far as Elvis is concerned, we love him just as much as you do! And to prove it, we have a lovely big feature on him in this issue of TL. We love running features on El, but being such a busy guy he’s pretty difficult to track down! Our reporter out in Hollywood managed to spend a whole day with him recently, and I’m sure you’ll agree that the article she wrote for us is tops. AND EXCLUSIVE AS ALWAYS!

Dear Bess:

I would like to ask an important question about the Monkees. I have heard that they are going off TV, and I would like to know why? I realty love their show and I’d hate to believe that what I’ve heard is true.

Joyce Manus,
West Columbia, S.C.

Dear Joyce:

Yours is just one of the hundreds of letters I’ve received from ardent Monkees fans who are worried about the same thing. So we got our West Coast Editor, MARILYN BECK, to check out the rumors with the studios in Hollywood. And it seems that there’s just no truth attached to the gossip. The publicity man for Screen Gems was most surprised to hear of the talk that the Monkees show is going off. And if he doesn’t know about it, we can be assured that there’s no need to worry!

Dear Bess:

Could you please have more picture stories on DINO, DESI AND BILLY, PAUL REVERE AND THE RAIDERS and THE MONKEES. I love TL, but I’d love it more if you’d do what I ask!

Jan Dolin, Los Angeles, Calif.

Dear Jan:

Only too happy to oblige! And if you’ve been reading recent issues of TL you’ll see that we’ve been printing plenty of picture stories about your faves. This month we’ve devoted a lot of space to exclusive Monkees and Revere and the Raiders stories (and quite rightly!), and it won’t be long before we’ll have another D, D, & B feature. Okay?

Dear Bess:

I just heard that ERIC BURDON is putting together a new group. I think Eric is absolutely fabulous and any group that he’s in has got to be great! Can we please hear more about the group soon? Also, where can I write to Eric?

Sue Brown, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Dear Sue:

You’re quite right. The old ANIMALS disbanded back in the summer of 1966, and after a while of searching for just the musicians he wanted, Eric formed a new group at the beginning of this year. Don’t think that the old group fell out and became enemies. They didn’t. It’s just that after playing for so long together, they felt that they could all do with a change of scenery. Eric’s. new group has the same line-up as before: three guitarists and a drummer. And I hear that they’re great. I also hear that they’ll be over during the summer, so I hope that they’ll come to your town so that you’ll have a chance to catch their act. In the meantime you can write to Eric care of: Bob Levene, Teen Mail, 200 West 57th Street, New York, N.Y. 10019.

Dear Bess:

I think what we needed was a mag. like the “new TL.” It’s a pleasant change. My only complaint is that the four men who mean everything to me are missing. I’m talking about the BEATLES. They are my world and now that they aren’t going to tour we would like even MORE pics and articles on them. As soon as the Monkees came to TL, the Beatles left. I haven’t got anything against the Monkees, but come on… show you’ve got taste again.

Venni D., Brooklyn, New York

Dear Venni:

I hate to say so, but I think you’re wrong. Looking over TL’s files for the past year, I can only find one issue in which we didn’t use photos or an article on “the fab four.” And this was because our “gal” in London got her deadlines mixed up and the material arrived too late to be used. Sorry! But apart from that, we’ve tried to keep you well informed on what’s been happening on the Beatle front. In May we carried a big article called The Big Beatle Mystery, and last month there was a two page picture spread called The Beatles Make Up! As for this month—just turn to page 34 for a fabulous, giant sized pic showing what your heroes look like today!

Dear Bess:

I’d like to thank you for your articles on GARY LEWIS. I hope you plan to print lots more about him soon. Thank you.

Ann Tallent

Dear Ann:

Gary is one of our favorite people, too, and we were very pleased that when Gary went into the Army he agreed to write his diary exclusively for us. Hope you enjoy following it month by month as much as we do. As you know, Gary got married in March and I’m sure you’ll join with us in wishing him, and his beautiful wife, JINKY, a long and happy married life.

Dear Bess:

I simply love THE ASSOCIATION. They’re the grooviest! Would you please have more about them, especially that adorable JED BLUECHEL. Thank you—you’ve got a great magazine!

Dallas Ann Peters, Spokane, Washington

Dear Dallas:

We agree with you—the Association are “the grooviest!” Dana spent a whole day with them when they were in New York recently, and next month she’ll be telling you about these great guys. So watch out for the August issue!

Dear Bess:

I’ve just bought TEEN LIFE and I’m writing to tell you that I think it’s terrific! Never before in any other magazine have I seen such a fabulous article about my favorite GENE PITNEY. This article is the first one that I’ve ever read about Gene that tells of his love life. Thanks very much for such a great article and magazine!

Karen Schomer, Kent, Ohio

Dear Karen:

Thank you for your very nice comments and we’re glad you liked the article. As you know, Gene is a bachelor no longer. He married lovely LYNN GAYTON, his childhood sweetheart, in March and we all wish them everything they wish themselves. Shortly after their wedding, Gene, who was touring England, sent us their own private photo album. Aren’t we lucky! And if you turn to page 12 you’ll see some of the young couple’s photos that have never been seen before. Lynn, who is a really beautiful person, has invited me up to their home in Connecticut and has promised to give me the “low down” on her new husband. And that should be interesting!

I hope you’re all going to enter this month’s fabulous MONKEES SWEATSHIRT CONTEST on page 5. In fact, I wish all of you could win one! They’re really beautiful, and brightly colored, and if you turn out to be one of the lucky winners you’re going to be the envy of all your friends! Unfortunately, we’re only giving away a hundred, but if you don’t win and would still like to have one (who wouldn’t!), you’ll be pleased to know that they can be purchased at all fine stores. If you have trouble finding them just write to: Teen Disc-O-Mat, 150 West 34th Street, New York, N.Y. 10001. Send $4.00 (to cover cost, mailing and handling), and they’ll send you a Monkees sweatshirt. And for goodness sake, DON’T FORGET TO TELL THEM THE SIZE YOU WANT!

That’s all for this month. Take care of yourselves and see you next. And keep writing!

Yours, Bess

Magazine: Teen Life
Editor: Bess Coleman
Volume: 7
Issue: 3
Publisher: Publication House, Inc.
Pages: 4, 55–56